.: How To Get Rid of Loose Skin After Weight Loss?

It has to be said that prevention is better than cure but do not be disheartened. You have achieved what you have set out to do, lost a lot of weight which is a massive achievement and you deserve a huge pat on the back and should be very proud of yourself. So why are you not feeling ecstatic? Answer, because you have not been left with the body you have always dreamed of. Instead, you look in the mirror and could cry. All you can see is loose, hanging folds of skin. Not only do they look unsightly but they can cause major health problems. You do not have to live with loose skin. There are options. There are non invasive procedures and invasive procedures and the treatment that would be appropriate would depend on the degree of your loose skin.
The non invasive treatment is called Thermage. This cosmetic procedure uses radio frequency energy to heat the deeper layers of the skin in a controlled way, promoting a healing response in the underlying tissues that give the skin its support. It can be used on the face, neck, decolletage, upper arms and thighs to tighten the skin. This type of procedure is for people who have loose skin but is not hanging in folds. If you have folds of excess skin, then unfortunately invasive surgery is the only answer.
All invasive surgery carries risks and before making a decision to have such an operation you should have a number of consultations with a reputable surgeon. If your main problem is confined to your abdomen, a partial or complete abdominoplasty will be required, commonly called a tummy tuck. An incision is made above the pubic area and the skin and fat are detached from the muscle. The muscle is tightened and the excess skin is cut away. The scar will be below the bikini line and should flatten and lighten but this could take up to 9 months. The secret is that you have to be realistic from the outset.
Cosmetic surgery can also be carried out on the buttocks and thighs called a belt lipectomy, thighs, arms known as a brachioplasty and breasts. All of these procedures carry risks from bleeding to death so it is imperative that you are in good health and have been educated in the risks, the realistic expectations, the recovery period and the cost.