.: Dieting Can Make You Fatter - Do You Believe This?

You must be aware that most of the people who go on a diet for losing weight do not succeed. In today's modern world overweight and obesity have become the major problems, at least in the developed countries. Taking advantage of people's desperation to lose weight, the diet industry has come out with a large variety of diet programs that promise to make you lose weight without the need for any exercise on your part.
Some of these diets may result in a marginal loss of weight in the beginning but they will turn out to be ineffective in the long run.
The problem with diet programs is that they focus on what you eat and how much you eat but ignore equally important questions like why you eat and what kind of life you live. Yes, if you want to achieve permanent weight loss, you should look at your life as a whole not a small part of your life relating to what foods you eat.
Losing weight using diets is similar to borrowing money to make a living. You will have to eventually repay what you have borrowed with interest, ending up with less money than you had in the beginning! In a similar way, the weight you lose by dieting will come back to you with interest after some time making you fatter than you were in the beginning.
The faster you lose weight, the greater will be the additional weight you will gain. This happens by your body's craving for food after you lose some calories and making you consume more food. Additionally, you may lose some precious muscle tissue which will lower your metabolism (the rate your body burns fuel) so is counterproductive. Acting against the natural impulses of the body can never get you the results you want.
The only effective way to lose weight on a long term basis and achieve permanent weight loss is to change your default state. The default state concerns not just the food you take but many other things. In fact, your default state governs not only your body but your mind as well. You should start with reprogramming your mind to change your lifestyle so that you can change your habits that will include your food habits too.
If you care to learn how you have become overweight, you will discover that this has happened due to your habits. Your bad habits have caused you the problem of getting and staying overweight. These habits act on you without your being aware of them. You develop these bad habits unconsciously by doing things as dictated by your mind's programming. These habits, in addition to making you become overweight, can also affect your health in other ways.
Thus, the only effective way to lose weight is to counter your bad habits by learning new habits. This should be done by reprogramming your mind so that your mind will work in unison with your conscious desire to lose weight and help you take healthy actions that will lead to permanent weight loss
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport