.: Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

One of the secrets for weight loss during the old days was Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss. There had been record of many people, women especially, who has used the very popular and easy to make apple cider as a mean to lose weight. It has been a tried, tested and proven for centuries as the most effective home remedy way to lose weight. Housewives had been preparing the apple cider not as a condiment but for more practical reasons. Studies have shown that it could in fact aid in shedding off some extra pounds from the body.
To be effective, Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss must be prepared through double fermentation and nothing else. When it is pasteurized or distilled or even filter, all those components of the vinegar that are supposed to help lose weight will be gone. So it is important to read the label first of the cider you are buying before using it. You should be very particular how was it made or prepared.
Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss is taken one to two teaspoon just before a meal. You just mix it with a glass of water. To counteract its not so pleasant taste, another teaspoon or two of raw honey or unflavoured honey could be included in the mix. It is not at all recommended to go beyond two teaspoon because it could have adverse effect on your body. Apple cider helps the body lose weight because it is an appetite suppressant. Meaning you are bound to eat less when you drink eat just before any meal.
Aside from losing weight, Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss offers many other health benefits for the body. For one apple is a great source of many vitamins, minerals and nutrients. In this sense even children can benefit from it. It is also rich in calcium and magnesium that can make bones stronger. Apple cider vinegar can help also in preventing stroke because it makes the blood thinner. For people with diabetes, apple cider vinegar can aid in controlling the glues level of the sugar in the blood.