The Importance Of Shoe Orthotics To Solving Foot Problems

By Allyson Whitley

Shoe orthotics has been a major help in the field of podiatric treatment. The orthotics act as a special padding inserted in the shoe and is designed to correct biomechanics problems on the feet. Because of their success, the medical shoe inserts have been widely applied in the field of sports where foot injuries are a common thing.

When will someone require insole inserts to aide their feet biomechanics? One likely situation that will warrant these corrective aides is when fixing pronated feet; this is a foot condition where the feet cave in during high stress movements like running. This condition has a high frequency of occurrence in athletes or those who do the early morning jogs wearing trainers.

When the body exerts pressure on the foot, the caving in by the ankle will cause the bone to receive stress fractures which are really painful. The first symptom is acute pain on the lower limb after the job or if you take long walks to work every day. This is why feet orthotics treatment is a highly recommended remedy for those people who jog, run or do long walks to and fro each day.

As we see in commercials, most sportswear firms will advertise their running shoes and put a big headline that they are protective and fit for every day running. But research has proven this to be a major marketing gimmick which leaves a good number of these shoes not living to their claims. Thus if you develop pronated feet syndrome even with new trainers, then adding medical foot inserts to the shoes will help.

Today you can purchase the inserts from over the counter shops without the need for a doctors prescription. However it is first good to check with a podiatrist to examine your foot and determine all you need is an extra inner padding. Sometimes the problem may be internal and a surgery required; but if not then feet padding are all you need.

Once you are sure you need the insole orthotic pads, you may shop around town trying out different sizes before making the final purchase. A good tip here is to always wear a shoe with good depth inside to fit both the padding and your foot, if the insole padding is pretty wide you can use your insole as shaping point to cut out the correct size to fit.

If the insole medical inserts still do not fit into the shoes, you may require removing the insole to fit better. But as you buy the padding, always aim for shoes with high depth for it to fit perfectly. If your shoes have laces, buckles, straps or tunable hooks, you can easily adjust the shoe to fit with the padding.

Orthotic food padding can be purchase in sports stores, shoe retail points and they go by the name of arch supports at times. Pharmaceutical stores that deal in more than tablets can also have a few medical foot inserts for sale. Wherever you purchase your shoe orthotics, make sure it fits your size and will handle the stress fractures just fine.

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