The Weight Loss Benefits Of Green Tea.

By Andrew Jackson

Let me tell you my crazy story about drinking green tea and the all the weight I lost. I use to weigh about 190 pounds before I started drinking tea. After drinking it for about 3 months, I lost 30 pounds. How easy is that? If I can do it, anyone can do it too, with a little effort.

Here's the catch. I did give up two of my favorite, full of sugar drinks. I gave up coffee and soda. Instead of drinking my daily dose of supercharge caffeine in the morning, I swapped it for green tea, which also contains caffeine, minus the sugar. During lunch I either drank either cool water or a nice cup of ice or warm tea depending on my mood of course. So what are the benefits of green tea?

Catechins is an antioxidant found in green tea. The catechins boost a person's basal metabolic rate. Increasing your basal metabolic rate will make your body lose more calories naturally, without any exercise. Additional benefits of green tea are preventing heart disease, fighting cancer, and decreasing bad cholesterol.

Another step to losing the weight, was doing very simple exercises. I would go for speed walks for about 20 to 30 minutes. I would recommend jogging for greater results, but since some people have bad knees like myself, I prefer exercises that are easy on the joints. Once you increase your cardiovascular endurance, I challenge you to do jumping jacks, sit-ups, and push-ups.

The combination of drinking green tea and doing simple exercise help me achieve to lose fat and weight. 4 to 5 cups a day is necessary in order to bring your basal metabolic rate up. You can also buy caffeine-free tea to drink in the evenings or nights for those sensitive to caffeine. I hope this article will encourage you to start drinking tea, not just for losing weight, but for the many other benefits it provides.

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