What's Great About Oranges...?

By Sienna Nalin

Oranges should always be in your diet. The power punch of Vitamin C that they contain is extremely good for you. Oranges have many benefits that are really good for you. Oranges are good for helping boost your immune system because of all of the vitamins.

As I have already said oranges contain a lot of vitamin C which is why most people love them and eat them every day. Here are some more benefits of oranges.

An orange is a great fruit that you should add to your diet due to the fact that it has so many great benefits to help keep you healthy. The fact that oranges are a part of the citrus family means that they contain antioxidant properties that help lower the risk of memory loss and protects your cells. Another benefit of the orange is the fiber within them that helps conquer illnesses. The illnesses that oranges help to fight off are arthritis, cancer, obesity, heart diseases and coronary heart diseases. As you see oranges are a great fruit to have in your diet.

Oranges contains Beta carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant guarding the health of our cells. Oranges contain Calcium, which a school going knows how important it is in healthy bones and teeth's. Our brain needs folic acid for proper development which is found in oranges. Blood pressure can be kept in balance with magnesium found in oranges. To maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and to maintain electrolyte balance of cells, one can eat oranges for the potassium it provides.

...Additional information on oranges at Orange fruit nutrition facts

Oranges as you see have many great benefits. All of these benefits are reason enough to start adding many oranges to your diet so that you can maintain a healthy life. Living healthy has a lot to do with the foods you eat and how you exercise.

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