The only thing worse than obesity is following a fad weight loss diet to eliminate it.
Obesity is excess fat, well above the norm. Although obese people try many diet plans, none of them seem to work.
Although more than a hundred million Americans diet each year, 95% of them get all their weight back within five years. What makes things even worse for a third of them is that they gain more weight back. This failure to lose weight results in switching from one diet plan to another in vain.
The singular reason why most diet plans people follow do not work at all is because they are fad diets or diets that rely on weight loss drugs. These diets either work temporarily or not at all. The high protein and low carbohydrate diets for example are not healthy. While protein is an excellent food source, it should not be taken in excess.
How Protein Helps In Weight Loss
Today, as many as 65% of Americans are either overweight or suffer from obesity. Although this makes them look unattractive, far more serious issues are involved here.
Obesity contributes to as many as 375,000 deaths every single year. People who are obese can face a wide variety of illnesses, including gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Obesity is also very expensive for both the patient and public health care. Harvard researchers estimate obesity plays a major role in heart attacks and diabetes. 19% of heart diseases have been related to obesity and 57% of diabetes are related to obesity. Health costs for heart diseases are $30 billion and for diabetes, $9 billion each year.
Set Realistic Goals
You have probably fallen for more than one fat loss plan that failed over the years. The promise of a quick and painless change never happened.
The worst thing about many of these diets is that they made you feel worse. You may have suffered health problems like aches and pains, flatulence, and feeling exhausted all the time.
Fad or quick weight loss diets suffer from overemphasizing the consumption of one type of food group. This goes against the fundamental ideas of eating well, which is to have a balanced diet consisting of numerous food groups.
Popular diet schemes fail to provide safe, healthy, and permanent weight loss.
Although many weight loss diet plans have been introduced, few last very long. This is because they fail to deliver on their promise and the general public soon gets bored with trying something that does not work.
Most fad diets work on the principle of catabolism. They force the body to get insufficient energy from food and have to compensate by making up the difference by breaking down some part of itself. The result of this imbalance is a state of continuous fatigue.
Instead of choosing a fad diet that does not work, find a weight loss diet that is both healthy and that can help you lose weight.
Obesity is excess fat, well above the norm. Although obese people try many diet plans, none of them seem to work.
Although more than a hundred million Americans diet each year, 95% of them get all their weight back within five years. What makes things even worse for a third of them is that they gain more weight back. This failure to lose weight results in switching from one diet plan to another in vain.
The singular reason why most diet plans people follow do not work at all is because they are fad diets or diets that rely on weight loss drugs. These diets either work temporarily or not at all. The high protein and low carbohydrate diets for example are not healthy. While protein is an excellent food source, it should not be taken in excess.
How Protein Helps In Weight Loss
Today, as many as 65% of Americans are either overweight or suffer from obesity. Although this makes them look unattractive, far more serious issues are involved here.
Obesity contributes to as many as 375,000 deaths every single year. People who are obese can face a wide variety of illnesses, including gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Obesity is also very expensive for both the patient and public health care. Harvard researchers estimate obesity plays a major role in heart attacks and diabetes. 19% of heart diseases have been related to obesity and 57% of diabetes are related to obesity. Health costs for heart diseases are $30 billion and for diabetes, $9 billion each year.
Set Realistic Goals
You have probably fallen for more than one fat loss plan that failed over the years. The promise of a quick and painless change never happened.
The worst thing about many of these diets is that they made you feel worse. You may have suffered health problems like aches and pains, flatulence, and feeling exhausted all the time.
Fad or quick weight loss diets suffer from overemphasizing the consumption of one type of food group. This goes against the fundamental ideas of eating well, which is to have a balanced diet consisting of numerous food groups.
Popular diet schemes fail to provide safe, healthy, and permanent weight loss.
Although many weight loss diet plans have been introduced, few last very long. This is because they fail to deliver on their promise and the general public soon gets bored with trying something that does not work.
Most fad diets work on the principle of catabolism. They force the body to get insufficient energy from food and have to compensate by making up the difference by breaking down some part of itself. The result of this imbalance is a state of continuous fatigue.
Instead of choosing a fad diet that does not work, find a weight loss diet that is both healthy and that can help you lose weight.