Interesting Facts About Liquid Kratom

By Dale Peck

A tropical evergreen tree from the Southeast Asia, Mitragyna speciosa is also known as kratom, krathom, or kratum. This tree belongs to the coffee family. The availability of liquid kratom in the market have raised significant attention from concerned groups such as the politicians and the media. Its fame is increasing in the medical field because of countless testimonies regarding its helpful effects on individual health.

Kratum trees can grow amazingly up to fifty feet tall and fifteen feet wide. Most climates outside Asia cannot support the growth of this plant. Kratoms thrive best in sunny and tropical swamps. They can be consumed in different ways. Their fresh leaves can be chewed directly or their leaves can also be dried, boiled or processed for juice extraction.

Leaves that are fresh are chewable. Locals mainly chew them to relieve them from stress and fatigue. Studies have indicated that men, as opposed to women, take advantage of krathom to help them relax from the heavy nature of their work.

Dried leaves of kratoms can also be packed and boiled to produce teas. This form is generally chosen by consumers because it gives lesser emphasis on the bitter taste of fresh leaves. The leafy parts are also boiled and evaporated accordingly for juice extraction. Capsule forms have also recently entered the market and have grown its own reputation.

Physical aftermaths after taking the liquid form of kratom are observed in less than half an hour. Increased blood pressure, constipated bowel, and constricted pupils are some of the observed signs. Analgesia or lesser perception to pain is one of its very desirable outcomes. There were also reports that taking kratum enhances weight loss.

The sedative and stimulant effects of kratoms are their unique features. Its usage can result to various mental reactions such as euphoria or the other term for excessive happiness and sedation. Episodes of depression have also been noted. These sensations may be observed for a maximum of five hours.

Kratum addiction may be rare but habitual use can cause delusional and schizophrenic symptoms. Following recommended dosage is of utmost importance to limit its fall backs. Activities that require mental and physical alertness should be temporarily avoided to minimize the danger the drug can cause the user.

Advocates of krathom use advise this herb for those who are suffering from opioid withdrawal and those who are undergoing opioid detoxification. This is simply because krathoms can imitate the same effects that of opioids like morphine and heroin but excluding the negative outcomes. Though it provides a minimal possibility of dependence, to protect the people from abusing the herb, governments in Asia have restricted the propagation and marketing of krathoms.

Despite its therapeutic outcome, chronic kratom use can reportedly cause bowel obstruction. Like many other herbal supplements, an extensive study should further be conducted to prove the beneficial effects and to establish limitations on the usage of liquid kratom. The banning of the derivatives of kratoms has made research harder for developers. A movement regarding the decriminalization of kratoms has been backed up by many pharmaceutical companies.

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