Exploring The Truths Concerning HCG Texas Diets

By Catalina Nielsen

HCG is a hormone produced by the uterus especially during pregnancy. This hormone is today believed to play a crucial role for weight loss programs. Not much is known concerning this hormone yet and the mechanism of action it does this or what adverse effects it could cause. It is in this view that we explore the answers on hCG Texas diets.

First understanding where the treatment started helps. A famous medical doctor named Simeon conducted a study in pregnant mothers in India to see how starvation affected the pregnancy outcomes. In his study, he noted that there was a hormone that mobilized fat reserves of mothers and converted them to food that sustained the baby. It was from this finding that showed that when an overweight person is placed on a low calorie diet with this hormone, then their body fat will be broken down. He also noted that the fat breakdown concentrates on the abnormal unwanted stores while sparing the protective fat around body organs.

How safe this dietary treatment is to our bodies has also been a worry. This diet has over sixty years of use since the time of introduction. Throughout all this time, there have not been any reports of adverse reactions. The use is however tightly regulated through prescription only from medical care workers who will be able to maintain follow up.

The function of the accompanying diet is significant in maintaining the starvation process but that of the hormone is most important. Normally, a purely low calorie diet will cause loss of weight but has adverse effects. It causes breaking down of even the good fat in addition to muscles and bone tissues. HCG ensures that the fat breakdown is restricted to the unwanted type. It also prevents destruction of bones and muscles. As a result the body shape is maintained.

Concerns also arise when the rate of losing weight suddenly stops or stagnates during the time of treatment. It is important to remember that this is a common finding especially in menstruation periods. This is because at these periods there are several different hormones elevated at the same time that could interfere with the hCG. Other reasons are that the body could still be remodeling which takes some time.

It is also important to schedule enough rest while on this treatment. Sleep of about 7-8 hours has been proven to increase the speed of losing weight. Exercise is not mandatory while on treatment because the diet is self sufficient. Doing light exercise however contributes in general fitness to an individual.

De-faulting to take the medicine at any time before the full course is complete is risky. Once you stop your body could gain more weight in response to the low calorie food. It will also take more time before weight reduction continues when you resume treatment.

Completion of the program revives body muscle bulk and greatly reduces fat levels. The high muscle ratio will be important in burning more calories. This ensures that you do not regain weight later. HCG Texas diet is therefore a safe diet proven for prescription to all obese people.

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