Advice For Healthy Hair

By Dennis E. Price

Everyone who appears on films or programmes on the TV look as if they have shiny , glossy hair no matter what colour or type of hair they have. Don't fret if your hair is not showing the same signs of greatness. Your hair may not in the best condition due to long term damage this can be reversed by following a few simple rules. So stop pulling your hair out so to speak and start using good hair products. Combine this with improving on your techniques and you will be able to see the difference in just a short time.

When it comes to hair we all think we are alone when it comes to our problems. We believe that we are the only ones suffering from this ailment and can not be cured or regain our groining glory. Did you know that some interesting facts came to light after a good number of saloon owners had been interviewed and they all came up with the same belief that the major y of problems where caused by women themselves. This may be a strange fact that we do most of the damage to our hair ourselves by using the wrong products or by using hair-dryers at the wrong setting. Dry ends or at worst split ends or even out of control frizzy hair this can all be rectified in time.

By guidance and taking lots of advice your hair will be restored to its former glory. In time after repeating the same instructions over and over again, your hair will not have the previous problems any more only glossy shiny hair.

Everyone has busy lives now compared to previous generations. We often try and eat quick processed food in place of fresh fruits, salad and vegetables. Losing out on the nutrients which mother natures food process. Vitamins are now ready available over the counter in chemists or supermarkets and can be taken as a replacement if you feel you are missing out on your daily amount of vitamins.

There are a number of different letters which are associated with vitamins. Each one has been proven to be beneficial to us in various forms which we will list as below.

There are a lot of different types of B vitamin which all have their own way of helping our immune system such as red blood cells and promoting a healthy heart. There are a number of different types of foods such as eggs and cheese which will help your body.

Did you know there are a number of different B Vitamins? They all try and help the red blood cells which flow around our body helping our cells function. There is a variety of different food sources which help protect our bodies and they include fish, certain cereals and nuts for example.

The next vitamin C helps with healing of the wounds and aids in bone building by absorbing the iron from the various types of fruits such as spinach, fish , poultry and peanuts.

Another vitamin which is known as D helps keep the body's bones in good shape and prevent rickets an old favourite disease of the 1900's. Food sources include orange juice, sardines and getting plenty of sunshine.

Vitamin E helps produce red blood cells and can be helped by taking green leafy vegetables to name but a few.

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