Chiropractor In Knox County Helps Locals Get Whiplash Pain Relief Using Gentle Adjustments

By John Bolton

Disabling neck pain is usually caused by an automobile accident. The head moving forward and then back in a rapid, jerking motion, causes whiplash. The resulting pain is often severe. A prominent Knox County chiropractor can confirm that it will limit your range of motion for a period of time.

Before making recommendations for proper care, an assessment is done. An examination of the entire spine from neck to coccyx, also known as the tailbone, is done. The physical exam may be followed by an x-ray and in some cases an MRI.

In addition to significant neck injury, ligaments and muscles in the area may be involved. The neck may be very tender and feel tight. It may be impossible to turn the head from side to side.

Watching a person walk helps in the evaluation. Sometimes an MRI is required. Following the assessment, the chiropractor can design a care plan to alleviate pain and promote healing.

Immediately following the accident, your pain may be in its most acute stage. Gentle stretches and ice applications may help during that period of time. As the inflammation subsides, care can begin to include gentle spinal adjustments.

The spinal adjustment technique is selected to alleviate pain. There are also manual applications used to improve soft tissue injuries. Massage and trigger point pressure are among them. The trigger point technique relieves muscular tension.

Ultrasound delivers a low frequency electric current. It reduces inflammation by stimulating muscles and spasms and stiffness in your neck. These sound waves deliver a gentle heat, which works to increase circulation.

Your prominent Knox County chiropractor uses the best methods to alleviate the pain of your specific injury. The goal is to heal the injury. Ultimately, your goal is to return to work and the normal activities of daily living that you enjoyed prior to the accident.

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