What You Need To Know About Permanent Hair Removal Bakersfield

By Miranda Sweeney

Hair removal procedures have become increasingly popular because it assists in minimizing and almost eliminating regrowth for months to years. Most people consider such procedure because of the hassles plucking, shaving, and waxing, but also because these methods can prove uncomfortable and cause terrible rashes. With options provided by permanent hair removal Bakersfield therapists advise on the effectiveness of such technique.

While the word permanent suggests that hair growth will disappear, it is important to understand that it actually slows regrowth and inhibits the follicle from forming for months to years. Thereafter, the hairs may begin to grow and you will require maintenance to prevent complete regrowth from occurring. It is important to understand that your hairs may not be gone forever, but require regular management to maintain smooth results.

Lasers are among the most commonly sought procedures that assist in the management of unwanted hairs and can cause a small amount of discomfort. This process involves the delivery of an intense light to the follicle with the aim of destroying it. Such technique should be applied by an experienced therapist who will be able to advise on the correct level of light therapy that needs to be applied for your complexion.

Laser techniques can prove most beneficial for those with dark follicles and a light complexion. The delivery of intense light and heat to the follicle assist in being absorbed by the melanin that is responsible for the dark color of the hairs. Such methods have been shown to become quite costly because of the number of sessions required to produce smooth results.

The light therapy can assist in reducing hair growth between up to 90 percent after a number of treatment sessions. Its overall efficacy will depend on the darkness of the follicle as it only works when light is applied and absorbed to break down the root. Blond to light brown hairs and darker complexions may not receive favorable results with such methods.

Another form of treatment involves electrolysis where needles containing a solution are injected into the skin targeting the follicles for destruction. It is one of the more painful techniques and often has patients requesting an anesthetic to better manage the pain. It is considered best for long term results, but may not be best for larger areas.

There are a number of advantages associated with electrolysis including instant results with fewer sessions needed to be performed. In comparison to lasers, the hair follicles that are destroyed do not grow back over time and it may be recommended for those with fast, coarse growth. It proves most comfortable for individuals who have a darker complexion and different hair colors.

For individuals who are interested in long term smooth and supple skin, consider laser or electrolysis. Each technique offers its own set of benefits and limits depending on individual characteristics such as complexion and follicle color without having to constantly shave or wax. Consider which of these methods can assist your needs and offer the safest and most comfortable results that can be achieved.

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