Medicine brings medical and surgical resources to deal with an emergency, that is to say, the perception of a situation where the empire quickly without care, exposure to short period of irreversible damage or death. The concept of "speedily" is very relative; in acute cases, we only have a few minutes to respond, but in general in France, it is considered under the emergency risks to 6 or 12 h (duodenal switch surgery in Mexico).
Canada and the United States, centered on the patient's need definition used instead: for example, an emergency is defined as any perception of an emergency by a person, may risk endangering its survival or survival a member. With thanks to project start HOPE Medicine in Costa Rica is a growing specialty that gradually strong positions in various health centers around the country.
Those trained to perform first aid can act within limits of their knowledge, while waiting for the next level of support. Those who can not perform first aid can also help by staying calm and being with the injured or ill person. A common complaint of emergency services personnel is the propensity of people to accumulate around the victim and the scene of accident, which usually does not help the patient stresses (which can hurt a lot), and obstructs smooth functioning of emergency services.
For citizens, an emergency is a sudden and unexpected situation that threatens the life of person. However, some situations are impressive indeed benign, and others go unnoticed as they are alarming; for example, some signs of myocardial infarction or stroke may seem benign. This underlines the importance of counseling and guidance services medicosanitary emergency regulation (such as the ambulance). And early detection of risk situations by private physician or by patient himself or his entourage. This emphasizes the importance of first aid training, where they learn to recognize the warning signs and to address the regulatory services (call, in what situations, and what to say).
In 1958, a trainer has to prepare a portable kit doctors and rescue workers to disaster management, and management of mass casualties. Realistic moldings mimic almost all types of injuries caused by armed struggle or nuclear explosion. In picture, the trainer shows a blood bag to simulate bleeding (arterial or venous pressure as the pocket). Pressure in right place is to stop the flow or the spray of blood. Military and civilian leaders of all the United States have been trained.
This type of behavior undermines the effectiveness of system, the "real" emergencies may be supported with delay because of size of system, personal and fatigue generated by this workload is detrimental to quality of care. Note that this behavior is also a miscalculation for the patient, because it might be better to sit at home (until the arrival of doctor on call or opening a private practice the next day) rather to wait for emergencies, with the inconvenience and risk of catching diseases others.
However, do not overlook the importance of medical advice in certain situations (see above). Moreover, the poor cannefit of universal health coverage (CMU) which allows them to have free care without advance payment, including in private practices. If situations are still variables from one department to another, the current trend is that any call outside working hours and days 15 through the center, including for the doctor on duty, or when the seeks an ambulance. Some standards associations constantly care (SOS Doctors) are entitled to receive calls directly, subject to an interconnection with the center 15 (direct telephone line).
But nothing prevents a patient to bypass the pre-hospital system to go to emergency departments of hospitals or private clinics, which are therefore those presenting spontaneously, as well as those brought by emergency services above. Medicine is the link between the outside of hospital and other hospital departments (surgery, radiology, pulmonology, cardiology, neurology ...), but also the relationship between these services for distress unexpected and sudden.
Canada and the United States, centered on the patient's need definition used instead: for example, an emergency is defined as any perception of an emergency by a person, may risk endangering its survival or survival a member. With thanks to project start HOPE Medicine in Costa Rica is a growing specialty that gradually strong positions in various health centers around the country.
Those trained to perform first aid can act within limits of their knowledge, while waiting for the next level of support. Those who can not perform first aid can also help by staying calm and being with the injured or ill person. A common complaint of emergency services personnel is the propensity of people to accumulate around the victim and the scene of accident, which usually does not help the patient stresses (which can hurt a lot), and obstructs smooth functioning of emergency services.
For citizens, an emergency is a sudden and unexpected situation that threatens the life of person. However, some situations are impressive indeed benign, and others go unnoticed as they are alarming; for example, some signs of myocardial infarction or stroke may seem benign. This underlines the importance of counseling and guidance services medicosanitary emergency regulation (such as the ambulance). And early detection of risk situations by private physician or by patient himself or his entourage. This emphasizes the importance of first aid training, where they learn to recognize the warning signs and to address the regulatory services (call, in what situations, and what to say).
In 1958, a trainer has to prepare a portable kit doctors and rescue workers to disaster management, and management of mass casualties. Realistic moldings mimic almost all types of injuries caused by armed struggle or nuclear explosion. In picture, the trainer shows a blood bag to simulate bleeding (arterial or venous pressure as the pocket). Pressure in right place is to stop the flow or the spray of blood. Military and civilian leaders of all the United States have been trained.
This type of behavior undermines the effectiveness of system, the "real" emergencies may be supported with delay because of size of system, personal and fatigue generated by this workload is detrimental to quality of care. Note that this behavior is also a miscalculation for the patient, because it might be better to sit at home (until the arrival of doctor on call or opening a private practice the next day) rather to wait for emergencies, with the inconvenience and risk of catching diseases others.
However, do not overlook the importance of medical advice in certain situations (see above). Moreover, the poor cannefit of universal health coverage (CMU) which allows them to have free care without advance payment, including in private practices. If situations are still variables from one department to another, the current trend is that any call outside working hours and days 15 through the center, including for the doctor on duty, or when the seeks an ambulance. Some standards associations constantly care (SOS Doctors) are entitled to receive calls directly, subject to an interconnection with the center 15 (direct telephone line).
But nothing prevents a patient to bypass the pre-hospital system to go to emergency departments of hospitals or private clinics, which are therefore those presenting spontaneously, as well as those brought by emergency services above. Medicine is the link between the outside of hospital and other hospital departments (surgery, radiology, pulmonology, cardiology, neurology ...), but also the relationship between these services for distress unexpected and sudden.