It is a simple matter to discern whether one has one, big problem in the center of life, dragging down every area of life. Those who habitually wake up hung over and in strange places generally do know that their core issue is a drinking problem. If they don't, there's usually someone around only too happy to enlighten them. For all those whose problems can't be so immediately determined, a life enrichment coach is often the way to go.
There are trained specialists in this field, or more typically those who started as such, but most have an intuitive sense for the holistic. Even without a license, there will be enough knowledge of diet to recognize a client's bad habits, those things that weaken happiness and sap energy. A coach will be able to recommend the dietary alterations that will contribute to overall success.
Fitness and diet are inevitably related, though different people will draw that line in different places. Some people need to spend a half year on the treadmill before listening to advice that they need to cut down on cheeseburgers. Then there are those who might need a yoga program, or simply to walk a mile each morning to get some sunlight with their workout.
Joy can be elusive when the home life is suffering. Often family problems are expressions of old family curses, which typically turn out to be nothing more than ingrained behavior patterns that cannot be recognized except by a trained eye. Many find themselves in bad marriages, or in conflict with teenage children. Many also suffer stress with their parents, especially as age and infirmity enter the picture.
It will surprise few that dating is one area of broadest, but also deepest concern. This is frequently the single most agonizing part of clients' lives, a source of bitterness that can poison success in every other area. Sometimes people need a good coach to inspire them in how to dress better, how to put together an online dating profile, or even to stop worrying when their lack of confidence is out of step with their real attractiveness.
For others, financial counseling is the big necessity, the one thing without which nothing else quite works even though they might be reasonably happy in every other area. When working with a coach, financial counseling is rarely going to be the stuff of number crunching visits to the accountant or financial adviser. More often, the issue is one's general approach to money, the secret ways we repel wealth or invite risk.
Many people need emotional healing, and their sessions for coaching might seem like psychotherapy. In fact, quite a few coaches began as licensed counselors, giving them a certain base of professional expertise to draw upon. They might be able recognize an addiction problem, or the signs of childhood abuse.
Psychological counseling is typically directed at people who are suffering. Coaching, by contrast, is generally for those who at least do not self-diagnose as troubled, but who want more. It can be the best choice for millions.
There are trained specialists in this field, or more typically those who started as such, but most have an intuitive sense for the holistic. Even without a license, there will be enough knowledge of diet to recognize a client's bad habits, those things that weaken happiness and sap energy. A coach will be able to recommend the dietary alterations that will contribute to overall success.
Fitness and diet are inevitably related, though different people will draw that line in different places. Some people need to spend a half year on the treadmill before listening to advice that they need to cut down on cheeseburgers. Then there are those who might need a yoga program, or simply to walk a mile each morning to get some sunlight with their workout.
Joy can be elusive when the home life is suffering. Often family problems are expressions of old family curses, which typically turn out to be nothing more than ingrained behavior patterns that cannot be recognized except by a trained eye. Many find themselves in bad marriages, or in conflict with teenage children. Many also suffer stress with their parents, especially as age and infirmity enter the picture.
It will surprise few that dating is one area of broadest, but also deepest concern. This is frequently the single most agonizing part of clients' lives, a source of bitterness that can poison success in every other area. Sometimes people need a good coach to inspire them in how to dress better, how to put together an online dating profile, or even to stop worrying when their lack of confidence is out of step with their real attractiveness.
For others, financial counseling is the big necessity, the one thing without which nothing else quite works even though they might be reasonably happy in every other area. When working with a coach, financial counseling is rarely going to be the stuff of number crunching visits to the accountant or financial adviser. More often, the issue is one's general approach to money, the secret ways we repel wealth or invite risk.
Many people need emotional healing, and their sessions for coaching might seem like psychotherapy. In fact, quite a few coaches began as licensed counselors, giving them a certain base of professional expertise to draw upon. They might be able recognize an addiction problem, or the signs of childhood abuse.
Psychological counseling is typically directed at people who are suffering. Coaching, by contrast, is generally for those who at least do not self-diagnose as troubled, but who want more. It can be the best choice for millions.