.: Weekends Suck for Weight Loss

Weekends suck when you are on a diet. Why? Simple. There are way too many temptations floating around you and your daily routine is broken and this makes it easier to eat.
So what do we do if we are FED UP BEING FAT and we have to deal with weekends. Step One is to introduce some structure to your weekends. Get up at a reasonable time and have a solid breakfast like and omelet and cereal and a cup of coffee/tea. The next important step is to GET OUT of the house and do something. Anything will do really like go for a walk, walk around the block, go to the library, whatever it is GET OUT of the house and move. This has two benefits, one it gets us away from food in the house and two, movement burns calories. No matter what you do you need to create Weekend Structure.
The weekends are terrible foe weight loss if you don't create a "Weekend Weight Loss Structure" that enables you eat at similar times as your "Weekday Weight Loss Structure". Be keeping to a routine it enables you to deal with the craving monsters who demand to be fed. In the week they know you will eat at certain times and you have the tools to deal with them and their cravings Monday to Friday. On the weekend they will run riot in your mind so now we have to restrain them and convince them to go away. By having "Weekend Weight Loss Structure" you can tame the craving monsters and teach them you will keep losing weight. One of the key tools on the weekend when temptations are high is to use the mantra "DO I NEED TO EAT THIS?" and the answer will always be "NO!". When you have to eat something to satisfy the craving monsters feed them:
1. Chewing Gum (Sugar Free)
2. Piece of Fruit
3. Vegetables or
4. Cup of Soup.
Number 4 is great for controlling the craving monsters as they have to wait, and waiting they don't like. The more you can make the craving monsters wait the more you will train them to leave you alone. This is a key factor to changing your lifestyle and losing weight.
Simple tools to losing weight in 2011 - follow my journey