.: Weight Loss Problem Areas - Lose Your Love Handles

Love handles is the familiar term for those rolls of fat between your waist and hips and boy can they be stubborn. If you have struggled in the past to lose your love handles and not had much success, you may need to take a new approach.
You see, if you are just doing exercises which target just your abdominal muscles, you are only getting part of it right. You really need to begin with some fairly strenuous exercise,which will get your heart pumping because this this is essential if you want to get rid of fat, and that's what love handles are made of.
So, you will have to do some cardiovascular exercise, but this doesn't mean that you have to join a gym an start to do all sorts of complex exercises. It is possible to get plenty of cardiovascular exercise ever without setting foot in a gym or parting with large sums of money for membership.
Jogging is a great way to get your heart rate up and if you live near a park having a quick daily jog first thing in the morning will get your day off to a good start. If you don't like running or don't live near a green area - pounding the pavements is not good for your knees - you could try riding a bicycle. If you live in a city which isn't very cycle friendly, invest in a stationary bicycle. This is a great way to get exercise and it doesn't matter what the weather is like. You won't have to leave home if it's too cold or pouring down with rain.
If all of this sound like too much hard work, why not think about taking up dancing which is fun, gives the opportunity to meet people and will help you get in shape at the same time.
Of course, riding your stationary or moving bike isn't going to help you much if you are still consuming large amount of fatty food and so a look at your diet is also going to have to be part of your strategy to get rid of love handles.
Eating a healthy diet which is low in fat will help you improve the appearance of your waist and hips. It is important not to starve yourself,which will only mess up your metabolism and make it more difficult to lose weight.
You should focus on eating a healthy mixture of balanced nutrients, including lean meats and poultry, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and some wholegrain products. Cut out as much junk food as you can. The occasional treat won't do you any harm, but make sure that most of what you put in your mouth is healthy.
The final step in your plan to lose your love handles is to do some exercises specifically related to that area. Read our review of Remove Your Love Handles at: http://www.stop-smoking-stay-slim.com/remove-your-love-handles.html
And discover some more great exercises for weight loss at http://www.stop-smoking-stay-slim.com/exercise-for-weight-loss.html