.: You Cannot Achieve Lasting Weight Loss With A Diet

So many of us want to lose weight and we can only dream about how good it would be not only to do that but having the power to keep it off for good. This is the part that for most people who embark on a quest to lose weight are missing - the power to keep any lost weight - lost.

The ability to permanently lose weight is not found in what we have been brainwashed to believe - quick fix fad diets and extreme fat burning exercise regimes. Mainstream weight loss systems fail to deliver on the 'how' we keep it lost and their main focus is on losing as much weight in as short a time as possible and nothing else.

The problem with this though is that it works against our body and our metabolism. Our body does not like experiencing food shortages and will do all it can to make you fail. It has no idea we only want to fit into our skinny jeans for an upcoming pool party and there is not a famine looming that could threaten survival. It also does not know there is a fridge full of food in the next room and we are in no danger of starving.

To protect itself against this very real perceived food shortage our body will turn up the appetite to make you go search for food while at the same time slowing everything down in your body to conserve energy. Fat burning comes to a screeching half and fat storage is ramped up. Not a recipe for long-term fat loss you will agree.

No, that approach does not work so we need to talk about what does work for permanent weight loss and our mind holds the key to this. The way our inner mind programming is operating will determine whether we remain slim and trim or become overweight. If we are in the overweight category we need that 'slim' mind software and the good news is that is entirely possible.

First we find and identify the thoughts and self-beliefs stored in your mind that may be working against you and causing roadblocks in your weight loss journey. Then we get rid of them and replace them with more positive, focused thoughts and self-beliefs that will boost your mental strength and willpower and take your motivation levels up a few notches.

This is a new and exciting concept that works on preparing and programming your mind for successful and long-term weight loss - something that a diet or exercise program can never ever give you. If you do not address the 'inner' programming you will likely never get what you want on the 'outer' and be successful at losing weight. You will be derailed time and time again no matter how many fad diets or exercise programs you begin.

But it is relatively easy for you to fix things up from the inside. When you have new fresh positive and focused thoughts and self-beliefs dropped into your mind you will find losing weight so much achievable. Gone is the struggle with food and your weight that may have been hindering you and your life for a long time.

Forget the quick-fix diets and get yourself started on something more long-term and permanent. When you get your mind working with you rather than having it working against you the way forward is clearer and all you need to do is get ready to step into the body of your dreams.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen