.: If You Change Your Brain You Can Change Your Body

When someone has become overweight they automatically only think of the fat piled up on the outside of their body but this is just a symptom of something gone wrong with the inner programming of the mind. They normally go on some sort of 'diet' and wonder why they may lose some weight initially then it comes back again with usually some extra as well.

There is a much better way to tackle weight loss and the idea is to change your brain change your body.
Our subconscious mind is in fact our body's software. In it are stored thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas and self-beliefs which are the things that drive your actions (or inaction). Our brain software also contains all of the 'programming' for our metabolism (the rate our body burns fuel) and also our everyday habits. Both of these things greatly influence our body weight.

So, to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF our subconscious mind is the very first place and origin of where all body weight changes must first begin, if you want these changes are to truly last.

Our subconscious mind works exactly like a computer - it responds to whatever is fed into it and is programmed to do.

The good news is within your mind and body is the perfect blueprint for that fit, slim, healthy person who you truly are and were born to be. The key is to rediscover and reconnect with this person inside and to do this you will need to get to know YOU on a deeper level.

We need to find and change the obstacles and roadblocks that have got and are keeping you overweight. To be able to create a new body for ourselves we need to ensure our mind-set and attitudes are also transformed so they are aligned with this new body.

If this is not done there can only be struggle and frustration and you can see this with people whose lives are made miserable by the yo-yo, weight loss/gain cycle many end up on. This is something mainstream weight loss systems do not even address and that is why at best they can only create temporary weight loss and who wants that?

You will need a little help in reprogramming your mind so you can lose weight. Your present way of thinking and doing has got you where you are today so if you are not happy with the body you are living in we need to make some changes so you can get the body you WILL be happy to live in for the rest of your life. The phrase 'change your brain change your body' is the nitty gritty of what is needed to lose weight and remember it will also change your life so it is important.

Change your mind change your body and its easy
Once you drop new thoughts, beliefs and ideas into your brain you will find immediately you start to make slight different food choices and begin to get more active. As time goes on your new mind-set and attitude grows and intensifies and you become more motivated and focused to lose the weight.

With this new mind software upgrade firmly in place not only is losing weight easy and effortless but keeping it off is also easy and effortless. Your 'inner' now is a match for what you want to have happen on the 'outer'.
Your newly 'programmed' habits - such as making better food choices, eating less food in general and exercising regularly becomes 'who you are' not just something 'you do' and this is what is needed for long-term permanent weight loss.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen