The Relevance Of Sports Medicine To Athletes

By Ann Jordan

Playing different kind of sport of doing some activities can result to injuries. A lot of cases have been reported wherein people have experienced really serious injuries resulting to them being rushed to the nearest healthcare facility. However, there is a certain field that was developed in order to solve issues that are related to sports. For those who do not know, Beth Israel sports medicine is the study as well as the practice of principles in medicine in relation to sport.

This branch specializes in preventing and treating the injuries caused by training and participation in sporting events. The specialist that works in this field is trained and educated in dealing with medical and therapeutic treatments. To be able to understand this field, it is good to know a little about its history.

Historical records suggest that the first records of treatments in relation to sports existed during the ancient period in Greece. Galen, who was a Greek philosopher was able to take into account the significance of hygiene as well as the importance of exercising. Furthermore, the father of medicine who is Hippocrates was also able to make written materials that discuss various types of fractures and joint dislocations.

Preventing injuries is not only the sole goal aim of this specific field. Its other goal is to guide people to live healthily by a series of methods. In case someone is injured, these experts always want to ensure that the victims will be able to recover to its full extent.

Examples of specialists in this field are nutritionists, personal trainers, coaches and even sport psychologists. An athletic trainer or a coach can work for a varsity team in schools. He may guide the athletes in conditioning their bodies for them to be able to win their games. Aside from that, coaches may also be responsible for the promotion of injury prevention practices.

Working and concentrating more on rehabilitating injured athletes is also one of the focus of other field practitioners. There have been claims that this area in medicine can go along well with physical therapy as well as chiropractic medicine. It is also possible for them to treat non athletes and athletes.

The physical therapists are the ones responsible for designing different exercises and stretching programs to enable the recovery of their patients. On another note, there are also exercise psychologists. They focus more on individuals who have some heart conditions and other disorders. They can be capable of designing exercises targeting the cardiovascular system of the patient.

Furthermore, nutrition is known to be an important aspect so that athletes can perform their tasks effectively. A sports nutritionist can suggest the kind of food, the amount and the eating schedules so that athletes can perform better. If they eat healthy food, then their performance may also improve.

Athletes must always be supported by a team of reliable experts. They can always rely on Beth Israel sports medicine specialists that help maintain their healthy condition. Becoming an expert in this field can start by doing researches or handling clients.

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