.: Why Natural Weight Loss Treatment Is Better?

Weight loss has been propagated as an essential personality factor today. It certainly counts very much for a pleasing personality, but cannot be termed as an imperative component of an attractive personality. Fat people can also look attractive, but yes, the slimmer and thinner ones can win the battle easily. It matters very much to the energy and efficiency of an individual, and affects the way she or he performs.
You might think of it being hyped as part of business gimmick, but recent researches have proved that obesity is really causing deadly diseases to the individuals. As the life is getting complicated, and time is growing short for daily stuff, many people find it difficult to burn fat through exercise. Therefore they look for alternative means to lose weight. This requirement of consumers has given way to several alternative means of losing weight, ranging from medical, surgical, herbal, physical, and even spiritual or supernatural. While the impact of all such means depend upon several different factors and varies that much from each other, all of them are not safe for sure. In order to ensure safe solutions, one must stick to natural weight loss treatment only.
Some people buy diet pills as an easier alternate without knowing of their side effects. Even if you have been assured of this point, one must learn about its ingredients and research well prior to its consumption. There are natural options available too. But, you need to be cautious here too. There are many manufacturers who claim their products to be 100% natural and safe for the humane consumption, but it may not be so always. All natural products are not always safe for all. There are some natural products which, if consumed more than prescribed dosage, might harm to a person with weaker digestive system. But, there are some products which are made from safer natural ingredients such as from green coffee bean extracts. These are said to be effective in increasing metabolism and burning fat naturally. Thus, by giving a thinner structure, it improves energy level, and adds to the stamina of an individual.
The reason why green-coffee bean extract is considered a better natural alternative of weight loss medicine is that it has three prolonged effects on human body. It provides proper nutrients, supplements as a balanced diet, and thereby improves fitness. This ingredient therefore is sought as a perfect weight loss treatment which also fulfills fitness goals of the individual.
Whatever way you go to lose weight, the natural way is the only safest medium to lose weight without making any other harm to the body. Most of these natural products, which are available in the market today, are extracts of some sorts of organic plants, herbs, berries, or fruits. The extra benefit that these natural supplements can serve is better health and improved immune system. In many cases these natural supplements are rich with anti-oxidants which add glow to our skin, and keep it live longer. So, whenever there is a reason why you should think of losing weight, think of natural weight loss treatment first.
Devjeet K Singh is expert nutritionist and is a regular contributing columnist in a wide variety of health magazines. You can check out his latest contribution on weight loss supplements at his webstore http://revolutionlaboratories.com

.: Which Weight Loss Diet Is The Best?

When I was a personal trainer, 90% of my clients were interested in weight loss. Little did I know at that time that my interest in weight loss would take off the way that it did! Now that I am a doctor, I have access to thousands of journal articles that have reviewed every type of diet you can imagine! Everyone always want to know what the "best weight loss" diet is, but the truth is that for many people, there is no one weight loss eating plan that works best!
I've seen a lot of diets come and go as we all have. The first diet that most of us have heard of is the traditional "low fat" diet. In this diet, one would try to avoid fatty foods and snacks, as well as fatty meats like steak and beef. People would often lose some weight on this diet, but would complain that they couldn't quite meet their weight loss goal with this plan.
Then there was the Atkin's Diet. This is the diet plan that was given credit for the "low carb craze." The first commercial diet product of it's kind, the Atkin's diet recommended people eat a diet high in fat and protein, and very low in carbohydrates, with the thinking being that eating fat and protein would fill up it's dieter's faster and control their blood sugar levels. The country went crazy for this diet! There was a time where almost EVERYONE I knew who was trying to lose weight was on the Atkin's Diet! The good news was that very frequently, dieters would lose a lot of weight, especially initially! Much of the weight at first would be water, but after that, it was not unusual for dieter's to lose over 2 lbs. per week! The downside of this diet was that with its lack of carbohydrates, bowel movements became very difficult! Also, weight tended to be gained back quickly once the diet was discontinued.
There was also the Zone Diet, a famous diet that focused more on eating the right kinds of carbohydrates instead of avoiding them like in the Atkin's Diet. Additionally, the Zone Diet brought to attention the concept of macronutrient balance (fats, carbs, proteins) and recommended a more balanced style of diet. Many dieters found that this eating plan was easier to stick with, and gave more food options and combinations. People also lost weight on this diet, although maybe not quite as quickly as with the Atkin's Diet.
Since the introduction of those two popular diet plans, the commercial weight loss market has exploded. Still today, the most frequent question I hear from friends, family, clients, and patients is, "what's the best weight loss diet?" It would be impossible to cover all of the aspects successful eating here, but I can offer that even a few small changes in your diet can lead to significant weight loss.
Dr. Z is a physician with particular interest in weight loss [http://www.3weightlossdietsecrets.com], back and neck pain. He recently completed with first special e-report on weight loss, and is planning to release his first ebook about back pain in the first quarter of 2011.

.: Weight Loss Diets for Women - Basic Principles

There are numerous weight loss diets for women available, because everybody has food related preferences. Therefore, women prefer to keep only certain diets that fit their lifestyle better. Here are some principles underlying the most famous diets.
One way that can help you reach the weight you desire is changing the metabolism by reducing the intake of carbohydrates, thereby dissolving the body fat. This diet is best suited for women who want to see immediate results.
Another famous principle that helps in losing weight is alternating a day in which you can eat whatever you desire and crave for, with a day in which you do not eat more than 500 calories. This method can block the process that stores fat, and it is also stated that it enhances the immune system.
Other weight loss diets for women state that a diet plan based on low-calorie foods, high protein, and non-fat, that has the purpose to significantly diminish your appetite is another way of reaching the weight you desire.
A good principle is also the division of carbohydrates depending on how fast your body processes and changes them into energy. Foods that release energy gradually are preferred, because they delay hunger and provide enough energy throughout a day.
Other diets include a principle that promotes the adjustment of the insulin in the body within certain levels, by eating food at optimal time intervals and keeping the right balance. It is also important to keep an eye on the other hormones. This way the body works within an ideal zone, ensuring weight loss and a high level of energy.
Other weight loss diets for women suggest low-fat and low-calorie food, or calorie counting. For the last one, you have to determine how many calories everything you eat or drink has. For losing weight, you should keep the day-by-day calories intake lower than your body and daily activities require.
Another way of losing weight is breaking the cycle that causes the insulin levels to rise or fall, a process that occurs as a result of eating quickly absorbed carbohydrates, thus encouraging you to snack. This is another diet that helps losing weight fast and it also helps eliminate the extra pounds around the abdomen.
All you have to do is to choose the diet that fits your taste and needs the best, because there are many weight loss diets for women available on the market, online, or in magazines.
For free 2 x proven weight loss program Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential weight loss info and the BEST weight loss and muscle building strategies for success, visit our website at: http://samedayweightloss.com/index-eza.htm.

.: Diet Secrets of The Famous for Fitness and Health

Stars have to look great - they're famous! When they are on television or in movies or waltzing down the red carpet during movie premieres and annual awards, they always look great and impress us with their celebrity "presence" They have the "it" factor! We forget that in fact it takes a lot of work to stay the way they look, and because of their fame, they are expected to keep up appearances and stay looking great to promote themselves and the movies they are in. Their attractive appearance is also key to getting those movie or TV offers! Great clothes, hair and makeup, yes, but also, they have to take real good care of their figures.
I think you will agree that there are secrets we can learn from these celebrities when it comes to being fit, healthy and attractive. Their fitness programmes cover all aspects of diet and exercise workouts. Who wouldn't want to know their diet secrets in staying utterly sexy? Let's take a look at these famous ladies.
1. The 40:30:30 diet
One particular famous lady is well known for having one of the sexiest figures in Hollywood, and appearing in many magazine shoots. To stay fit and healthy, she follows the "40:30:30" Dieting method. This particular diet is split this way:
40% low sugar carbohydrates
- for example: beans, fruits and vegetables, legumes
30% lean proteins
- i.e. tofu, fish, chicken, turkey, beef and low-fat dairy products
30% essential (non-saturated) fats
- derived from nuts, seeds, fish and olive oils
For this diet it is important that each meal is balanced and contains plenty of vitamins to maintain health and optimal weight balance.
2. One star of the screen put on 60lbs when she was pregnant. She needed to lose weight fast before shooting began on her next film. She changed her eating habits and went on a high protein diet. She also cut down on the size of her meals and included weight training, cardio workouts in her weight loss plan. At one time, the media were less than complimentary about her figure just after she had her baby, but, in 4 short months, she lost all those extra pounds and her abs became the envy of Hollywood!
3. Regular workouts and dietary lifestyle
The one underlying attribute of all the lady celebrities whose diet secrets appear here need to look good for the camera. One very well known figure is known for her continual fight to stop gaining weight. Yet, even at 50 years of age, she looks great and maintains her image by working out 5 times per week: 30 mins treadmill plus free weights and also with a diet containing fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, white meat (chicken) and low fat dairy products. She also does not eat after 7pm. You could do well to follow this lifestyle if weight is a continual problem.
4. Yoga
Many people cannot imagine that another beautiful award winning actress has to work hard at staying slim and healthy. It is a reminder to all of us, that fitness and being healthy is a way of life - it is about lifestyle. She follows a similar diet to that in (3) and also avoids sugar and white (processed) flower. She also does not eat dairy foods and carries out yoga exercise as part of her daily fitness regime.
5. More Yoga
Another often flaunts a body that many say is to die for, and has risen to be a model of fitness through several decades of stardom. This particular star of stage uses Ashtanga Yoga to keep that fantastic body trim and stays clear of junk foods. Her diet is macrobiotic in nature and full of organic foods high in lean protein.
6. Salads for this supermodel
This fabulous model lady enjoys salad and steamed vegetables for dinner and a lot of fresh fruit during the day. While on locations, her preference is for black grapes, drinking tomato juice and herbal tea.
7. Vegetarian Celeb
This celebrity model is a vegetarian and does not eat junk food, no matter how much she may want them. For a snack, she eats sweet potato and not chocolate bars. And those times she needs to lose weight fast, she goes on a liquid juice diet, temporarily.
Hollywood stars are the same as you and me. Perhaps more so, they need to maintain their perfect figures because they are so much in the camera and in the limelight. We may not be Hollywood models and celebrities, but we can still have bodies like theirs! By following a fitness plan and adopting it as part of your lifestyle, you will look younger, feel younger and stay healthy longer. You can look ready for the a red-carpet day each time you look in the mirror, if you follow a plan and stick with it. The secret, is to make diet and fitness exercise as part of your daily life.
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.: Fast Natural Weight Loss

Fast natural weight loss is a heavily sought after goal for many Americans. Our diet is characterized by fast food, excess sugars, and saturated fats. This reason prevents many Americans from attaining the toned, lean bodies they desire. On top of poor diets, the public community and media channels flood us with faulty information claiming unmatched results with minimal effort. The common misconception that six or eight small meals a day will "boost" your metabolism and lead to a fat burning furnace just isn't the case. There is no secret to fast natural weight loss except hard work and dedication. However, with these following tips, you will be able to attain that lean body in no time.
- In the morning, try to load yourself with protein and fruits. These will provide you energy and a satisfying, filling meal which will keep you full until lunchtime - avoiding snacks and extra calorie consumption.
- At lunchtime, try to have a balanced meal with protein, veggies, fruit, and a carbohydrate. This will give your body a well balanced array of nutrients, minerals, and electrolytes, which will maintain energy levels and avoid overeating.
- At dinner, do just as you did at lunch - a balanced meal.
- Try to have at least four cups of vegetables a day in order to fuel the body and keep full with minimal calories.
- Do NOT eliminate carbs! Low-Carb and No-Carb diets are scams and counter-productive to fast natural weight loss. The body needs carbs as the primary fast energy source, restricting them only makes things worse.
- Keep dairy products to a minimum: Americans are really the only culture in which adults consume the milk of another animal. Our bodies are not meant to maintain consumption of animal milk into adolescence and it disrupts natural digestive patterns.
- Drink at least ten, eight ounce classes of water per day. Water helps you maintain fullness and removes toxins from the liver which needs to be clean to metabolize fat.
- Fish are a great source of lean protein and omega 3 fat acids which increase energy levels as well as metabolic features.
- Whole grains and foods rich in fiber are very filling and help to suppress appetite. When in doubt, ask for whole grain.
- Alcohol in moderation! Alcohol slows your metabolism for as much as 48 hours after consumption!
- Don't eat late. Often times late night cravings are just that - cravings - and should be ignored. Though meal timing is an urban myth which does not directly affect metabolism, giving the body time to fully digest meals prior to sleep does provide better sleep and thus higher energy levels therefore less reliance on food in the morning.
- Fast natural weight loss requires discipline. Exercise is inherent to this mission. A regular exercise regimen will drastically speed up weight loss and will help to maintain motivation.
- Calories in versus calories out. That is the true strategy. Expend more calories than you consume and you are guaranteed to lose weight. It truly is that simple!
Though none of these individual bullets are too challenging, it is combining them all into a daily lifestyle which presents such difficulty. If you should learn one thing from this article, realize that calories in versus calories out is the end all be all at the end of the day. Regardless of any of the other strategies out there, as long as you expend more than you eat you will be well on your way to shredding fat and attaining the tone body you've always wanted.
If you truly wish to succeed at shredding fat and finally getting that beach body you've always wanted, then visit the Fast Natural Weight Loss System today!

.: Don't Let the Weekend Sabotage Your Weight Loss Success

What is it about the weekend that tends to sabotage all the good weight loss choices we made through the week? Is it because we put our guard down on the weekends and feel we "deserve" to not have to count calories or watch what we eat because we were so "good" about it through the week? Recent studies have shown that people trying to lose weight do well on their weight loss programs through the week and then put the pounds back on over the weekend. I know, it's happened to me too. So how do we prevent the weight we worked so hard to take off during the week from coming back on over the weekend? The following are some tips to keep those weekend pounds from piling back on again.
Keep Journaling. If you are keeping a food diary during the week, don't neglect to continue logging your food choices over the weekend. There are so many things that need to be done over the weekend such as errands, shuttling the kids to lessons, sports or appointments, etc. that journaling your food intake can easily be neglected. If you don't log your food intake then you become unaware of what and how much food you've eaten. When you don't know how much you've eaten, you tend to UNDERestimate the food you've consumed thereby thinking you can eat more which adds more calories which adds more pounds. By continuing to journal your food intake over the weekend, you will be able to see exactly what you've eaten and can adjust your food intake accordingly to stay within your weight loss parameters.
Eating Out. Weekends are notorious for fast food and eating out. Because we're on the go most of the time taking care of things that can only be done on the weekends, there is very little time to plan ahead for meals that are within our weight loss plan. Luckily, a lot of the fast food restaurants and chains now have a healthy version of their menu to choose from. There is then no excuse to have to eat those greasy fries and burgers, you are able to choose light soups, salads and yogurts, all which probably fall within your weight loss program.
If you are celebrating a special event by going out to dinner on the weekend, then, of course, you don't want to feel deprived but you don't have to sabotage your weight loss plans either. Restaurants are notorious for serving large portions. Remember portion control when dining out. A portion of starch is about the size of your fist. A portion of protein is roughly the size of the palm of your hand. Have more salad (with the dressing on the side so you can control how much of it you use) and you'll be satisfied with the proper portion size of protein and starch. Avoid anything fried, sautèed, or covered in creamy sauces. Choose items that are baked, broiled or steamed instead. Make trade offs when it comes to the more fattening things like creamy soups, sauces and desserts. Decide which dish is important for you to really enjoy and cut back on the other less important dishes. For example, if enjoying a rich dessert is important to you, forego the creamy soup for a light broth and either cut out or cut back on any rich sauces used in your dishes. Successful weight loss is not about deprivation but about making food choices that make you feel good and are good for you.
Keep exercising. Again, we try to cram so many things in the weekend that we sometimes don't have time to exercise. Our bodies then don't have the opportunity to burn off all those calories that we've eaten, thereby keeping the weight on instead of taking it off. Weekend exercise doesn't mean you have to hit the gym although it would be great if you could. Find ways of sneaking exercise into your weekend schedule such as parking farther away from your destination and having to walk a little longer to get there. If the kids are having a game in the park, take a quick jog around the park before the game starts. If you're a shopper, walk the entire mall before actually doing any serious shopping. As long as you find ways of moving on the weekend, that will help to burn calories and keep you on your weight loss plan.
Don't let your guard down on the weekends. With a little planning and a lot more awareness, the weight loss success you achieved during the week doesn't have to be lost on the weekend. Enjoy!

.: How To Avoid Weekend Weight Gain

Why Is The Weekend So Dangerous For Gaining Weight?

We tend to mentally switch off and relax over the weekend, as we enjoy our time off. The weekend is also the busiest time for takeaway joints and pubs, as we make the most of our free time. The majority of people will tend to increase their alcohol intake over the weekend and are more likely to enjoy meals out.
The problem is that it is easy for your mentality to change at the weekend, and all that hard work you have done through the week will go to waste. Having the mind-frame that you have been really good all week and should be rewarding yourself with a free weekend, is a bad habit to develop. Living a healthy lifestyle while losing weight and getting fit is a full time job.
How To Avoid Weekend Weight Gain
If you want to keep your momentum and progress going, then you have to avoid putting the weight back on over the weekends. Here are a few tips to help you avoid weekend weight gain: -
1. Keep Your Fridge And Cupboards Stocked With Healthy Food
Make sure your kitchen is filled with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and fresh ingredients. Having plenty of meal options close at hand will hopefully help you resist reaching for that takeaway menu. Also make sure your home is free from junk food, if it is there then you will end up eating it.
2. Keep Yourself Occupied
The weekend means lots of extra free time, but you must keep yourself occupied to avoid eating out of boredom. The weekend can be a great time to do something fun and active. Why not go for a long run, bike ride or stroll along the beach with the family? Sitting around doing nothing is not always the best way to recharge your batteries after a long week at work, you can end up more lethargic. A good workout can be very invigorating, leaving you full of energy.
3. Have Some Healthy Meals Already Prepared
We all enjoy a break from the cooking, particularly at the weekend, so why not have some meals prepared in advance? Meals such as casseroles, pasta dishes, and tasty salads are easy to make and can be stored easily in the fridge or freezer.
4. Enjoy A Treat In Moderation
You don't have to give up everything you love eating, but learn to enjoy it in moderation. You can't live a healthy lifestyle during the week and blowout every weekend, if you want to achieve your weight loss goals. Find a compromise, if you want some pizza then eat a slice with a portion of fresh salad rather than eating a whole pizza. If you go out for a meal then start with some soup, it will help you stop over-eating later during the meal.
A sensible approach is all you need to avoid weekend weight gain, stay strong and focused all week long and don't lose all that momentum you have built up.
Would you like help to lose weight and keep it off for good? Maybe you are looking to lose the beer belly or lose weight after pregnancy and want to discover the top ways to lose weight fast [http://www.bestfatlossdiets.co.uk] then I can help. My online weight loss resource offers you the opportunity to sign up for free weight loss tips [http://www.bestfatlossdiets.co.uk]. Lose weight and feel great today.

.: Weekends Suck for Weight Loss

Weekends suck when you are on a diet. Why? Simple. There are way too many temptations floating around you and your daily routine is broken and this makes it easier to eat.
So what do we do if we are FED UP BEING FAT and we have to deal with weekends. Step One is to introduce some structure to your weekends. Get up at a reasonable time and have a solid breakfast like and omelet and cereal and a cup of coffee/tea. The next important step is to GET OUT of the house and do something. Anything will do really like go for a walk, walk around the block, go to the library, whatever it is GET OUT of the house and move. This has two benefits, one it gets us away from food in the house and two, movement burns calories. No matter what you do you need to create Weekend Structure.
The weekends are terrible foe weight loss if you don't create a "Weekend Weight Loss Structure" that enables you eat at similar times as your "Weekday Weight Loss Structure". Be keeping to a routine it enables you to deal with the craving monsters who demand to be fed. In the week they know you will eat at certain times and you have the tools to deal with them and their cravings Monday to Friday. On the weekend they will run riot in your mind so now we have to restrain them and convince them to go away. By having "Weekend Weight Loss Structure" you can tame the craving monsters and teach them you will keep losing weight. One of the key tools on the weekend when temptations are high is to use the mantra "DO I NEED TO EAT THIS?" and the answer will always be "NO!". When you have to eat something to satisfy the craving monsters feed them:
1. Chewing Gum (Sugar Free)
2. Piece of Fruit
3. Vegetables or
4. Cup of Soup.
Number 4 is great for controlling the craving monsters as they have to wait, and waiting they don't like. The more you can make the craving monsters wait the more you will train them to leave you alone. This is a key factor to changing your lifestyle and losing weight.
Simple tools to losing weight in 2011 - follow my journey

.: How to Control Bad Eating on Weekend?

How To Control Bad Eating On Weekend?
Weight loss depends on the amount of food you eat. It is necessary to strictly check all your daily calories. To complement your fat reduction exercise to have a faster weight loss. Exercise more to lose weight. Some people seem to master this on weekdays when they are on a strict schedule. But it all goes out the window once the weekend arrives.
A study by the National Institute of Health showed that dieters consistently stopped losing weight on the weekends due to an increase in calories from parties and social events.
While some diets allow a day off each week when you can eat what your heart desires. It is still important to watch your total caloric intake on the weekends and make sure you move more. If you plan on attending a party this weekend, for example, have a plan in place before you go.
Ways to Control Weekend Eating
1 Plan ahead.
2 Watch portion sizes.
3 Minimize the number of meals you eat at restaurants.
4 Beware of buffet style restaurants.
5 Concentrate on people and conversation over food.
6 Offset weekend eating with extra exercise.
7 Track your daily calories on the weekends.
8 Change your lifestyle to incorporate healthy food choices on the weekend.
9 If you must eat dessert, share with a few people and only take a couple of bites
Start by balancing the extra calories with extra exercise. A morning bike ride or a long hike might not cancel out a brownie sundae, but it can help you burn more fat than you would by doing nothing. The other thing is that you can't wait until the party to eat and walk in starving. Eat a sensible breakfast, a light lunch with protein to keep you feeling full longer and even have a healthy snack before you go.
Keep your weight loss goals in mind when you attend weekend parties and social events. Remember all of the hard work you put in over the past week and know that making a few poor food choices on the weekend can sabotage your entire week's dieting efforts.
Choose your foods carefully. Load up on fruits, vegetables and lean meats whenever possible. Be careful with sauces, dressings and desserts as they can be heavy in calories and fat.
Train yourself to see parties as a way of socializing and having fun. A party does not have to be about the food. Furthermore, don't give yourself permission to overeat every weekend. An occasional splurge is fine, but if you find yourself eating more than usual every weekend you are risking weight gain.
If you want to know more about me and find more of my articles and write-ups please check out my website on weight loss tips [http://www.weightlossprogramtips.info] and programs or Weight Loss Blog [http://weight-loss-secrets-shared.blogspot.com]

.: How to Lose Weight by the Weekend

Its Monday morning, you've just been invited to the party of the century on Saturday night. OH NO! What are you going to do?
Obviously, starving yourself is only going to work in the short term, and most people can't willingly for 5 days. Not to mention how unhealthy that is. So here is your easy guide for how to lose weight by the weekend.
If you're serious about getting into your skinny jeans or that fabulous dressing by the weekend, you need to squeeze exercise into your day not once but twice. Do 2, 30-45 minute sessions daily. Break this up into a morning walk and a harder session into the evening. Working out like this speeds up your metabolism and will help you to lose weight by the weekend.
You will need to change your diet this week. Our bodies react in certain ways to various foods. Salt causes your body to retain water and increases bloating. Don't add salt to your food, and cut out salty items like cured meats, smoked salmon and olives.
Wheat is another food that causes intolerance in some people. This causes our bodies to retain water. Avoid all wheat products such as pasta, bread, cakes, etc. Replace these calories with fresh, steamed vegetables and lean meats.
Drink green tea between meals to reduce your appetite. Green tea is known for its weight loss properties, but its excellent for stopping binge eating. If you need another boost so you can lose weight by the weekend, add cayenne pepper to your meals. Chilli is one of the "wonder foods" that increase your body's temperature and your metabolism, helping you to burn up fat and lose weight by the weekend.
Make sure you drink at least 2 liters of water every day. No excuses.
Don't stress about your event. Stress causes your body to release hormones that will make you appear bloated or puffy. Your mind and body are definitely connected so keep yourself calm and relaxed before your big day.
All of these tips will work to reduce bloating, shed water weight, and lose weight by the weekend.
Did you find these tips on how to lose weight useful? You can learn more healthy ways to lose fat fast and reduce stomach fat at How to reduce belly fat
I look forward to reading about your weight loss success!

.: Weight Loss Weekends - How to Lose Weight in 2 Days Over the Weekend

If you want to lose weight and only have the weekend to plan for this, then you will love this article about weight loss weekends. Losing weight can be a challenge. If time is your true arch enemy right now, and you only have 48 hours to commit to losing weight, then we want to show you how to use the little time that you do have - the weekend - to lose weight. We call it weight loss weekends, how to lose weight in 2 days over the weekend.
You don' have a lot of time, so I will make this article brief.
Weight Loss Weekends - How To Lose 2 Pounds Every 48 Hours
If you are not willing to make sacrifices, let me say this: This is not for you!
Most people don't even know how to lose 2 pounds in a week, let alone how to lose 2 pounds in 2 days, but after this you will.
Firstly, you need to know that 1 pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. This is important to know because it's the number we use to base all of our other numbers on.
In order to lose 2 pounds, we need to create a 7,000 calorie deficit for the weekend without sacrificing lean muscle mass.
Here's the plan:
1. Do a workout in the morning that will burn 500 calories.
2. Only eat 1,200 calories (women) or 1,800 calories (men) for the day.
3. Do an evening workout that will burn 500 calories and build some lean muscle.
Tips for executing the weight loss weekend plan successfully.
1. The higher your intensity of exercise, the more calories you will burn in a short amount of time.
2. Don't waste calories on drinks, high calorie foods, and high fat foods.
3. You have to eat at least 100 grams of carbs and 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.
If you follow these steps - these tips for losing weight on the weekend - you will lose 2 pounds of almost all fat every weekend. Weight loss weekends is serious business with extreme results.
If you like this article about how to lose weight over the weekend, then you will love this blog about weight loss weekends. Christian has an extreme love for people and helping them fulfill their fitness dreams.

.: Weight Loss and Weekend Eating and Exercise

Diet during the Week, Eat on the Weekend is That Possible? Consistency Beats Flexibility When It Comes to Losing Weight. Almost everyone trying to lose weight knows they have to exercise and be careful with their eating Monday through Friday. The question is what about the weekends? Do you need to watch your food 7 days a week? Do you need to exercise on the weekends?
Our body weight changes almost daily depending on hydration status, dietary intake and physical activity patterns. For many overweight people there is a significant difference between these patterns during the week as compared to the weekends, especially Sunday when for many people activity levels are lower while food intake is increased.
Here are the questions that comes to many individuals starting a weight loss program:
1. Can you lose weight by being careful on the weekdays and splurge on the weekends?
2. If the answer to #1 is no, than can you at least maintain your weight loss and still eat more on the weekends?
3. Which is more important being careful with the food on the weekends or exercising?
Certainly adding flexibility during the weekend, holidays and vacations reduces boredom and feelings of deprivation so important in long term weight management, but at what expense? The few studies that have compared dieters who were consistent with their eating and exercise across the 7 day week with those that splurged on the weekends revealed that individuals maintaining the same diet and exercise consistently through the whole week maintained their weight as compared to dieters who took "breaks" on the weekends either in eating or exercise or both.
It's not surprising that consistency in food and beverage intake across the week was more important than in consistency in exercise, given the huge amount of calories one can eat even in a single meal. No exercise is able to compensate for eating 4 slices of pizza or going to an Italian or Mexican restaurant and gobbling down 2500 calories or more.
Dr James Hill and associates at the National Weight Control Registry reported that dietary consistency through the entire week correlated better with long term weight loss maintenance, than flexibility on weekends and holidays. In fact they found that dietary constancy as the best predictor to long term weight maintenance. Dr Racette and colleagues from the Washington University Medical School found that weight gain occurs during weekends relative to weekday is due to increase food intake on the weekends and to slightly decrease exercise. They found an average of 0.2 lb. weight gains over the weekend. This works out to about 10 lb. weight gain per year There conclusion that weekend indulgences contribute to weight gain or cessation of weight loss.
Here is a summary of these studies for those confused about weekend eating and exercising:
1. Losing weight takes 7 days a week; there can be no weekend splurges, at least on a regular basis
2. Maintaining weight loss is possible with watching the food and drink during the week and breaks on the weekend
3. Paying attention to food intake on the weekends is more important for weight loss and maintenance than an extra day of exercise on Saturday or Sunday.
Richard L. Lipman M.D., a board certified internist and endocrinologist has been treating weight and metabolic problems for 25 years in his Miami office. His recent book, The 100 Calorie Secret, describes how thousands of his patients lost weight and kept it off. Learn more weight loss and tips from a doctor who actually takes care of metabolic problems and obesity problems at http://www.richardlipmanmd.com

.: How Much Weight Can You Lose Over a Weekend? Adult Weight Loss Weekend Getaways Galore!

With the Biggest Loser style retreats offering weight loss fitness packages, a new concept has emerged--the adult weight loss weekend getaway. Call it a "girlfriend getaway", "couples retreat", or your own personal fitness weekend getaway. The theme of the 2.5 day vacation is fitness, nutrition and fun. Weekend schedules focus on getting fit and losing fat, by a regimen of 5 meals daily with 5-7 hours of exercise.
How much weight can you lose over a weekend? That really isn't the point here. Primarily, you learn how to engage in enjoyable activities that are on foot in scenic environments like the beaches of Florida, California, even South Carolina. Maybe you go to a secluded mountainous area to hike and get away from it all.
Then there is Vegas, baby! The Las Vegas fitness and weight loss weekend would involve getting a pedestrian view of the world's newest, most extravagant hotels and famous casinos. By the time you trek the entire strip, climb stairs in lieu of escalators, and hike to the Hoover Dam, you might even sight Elvis while burning a few calories.
The weekend fitness getaway theme is also about nutrition and how to order out sensibly. If on a hike, you would learn how to prepare and pack the right nutritious foods to take along. Focus is on planning to eat and being active while keeping control. Control comes from planning. You know you are going to need to eat, right?
Nowadays, it is quite common to carry a personal water bottle. By now, we all know the importance of proper hydration. Your brain is 25% more focused and your thinking is that much more clear. But what about taking along your own preplanned nutrition so as not to leave that to chance?
Soon, the trend will follow as with personal water bottles. Adults will learn to carry personal coolers wherever they go. Whether going to work, shopping, gym, or to the golf course, everyone performs better when the right foods are available at the right times.
Back to the concept of your weight loss weekend! If you know that you can only lose 1.5 lbs - 3 lbs per week safely and effectively keep it off then you can you do the math for 2.5 days. Just realize that anytime you are dehydrated the scales can show an erroneous weight drop that will return once your body is properly hydrated. As referenced above, you would not think clearly or function well if you kept this up for long.
Just how much weight should you expect to lose over the weekend? Not nearly what you need to reach your goal, but what a fun way to kick-start for the rest of the weight you need to lose. At the end of the weekend you will have had a practical lesson in how to live a lifestyle of health and wellness while having fun. Additional bonuses include a new photo album for your Facebook titled, "My Vegas Weight Loss Weekend ", and if you're really lucky...an Elvis sighting!
Debra Stefan is the founder and director of "Live-In-Fitness" residential services in the Las Vegas area of Henderson, Nevada for weight-loss guests offering weekend fitness getaways to 30-90 day programs enabling behavioral change for a fit lifestyle. She is the first to offer a residential weight loss boot camp Biggest Loser retreat program outside of the institutional format. Debra is a fitness speaker/educator, certified in Personal Fitness Training, Youth Fitness, Senior Fitness, and Golf Fitness. Today she has 37 years of professional involvement in the fitness industry and continues education to stay current with the ever-evolving industry. She is a true veteran fitness professional. Visit Debra's website for a free ebook download on the 4 Keys to Stick To It, by clicking on the link below.
Debra Stefan, CFT
Founder and Director of Live-In-Fitness

.: Celebrity Weight Loss Diets: The Kind You Should Never Follow

Everybody, celebrities included, wants to lose weight fast. We aren't alone in our desire to get a curvaceous body as fast as possible. Living in a generation that appears to be pressed for time from every possible angle, instant answers and quick solutions to our problem have become something of a norm.
But how reliable are these fad diets and extreme measure for weight loss? Sure, they offer rapid weight loss but could you call it healthy weight loss? I highly doubt it. Most people are so desperate they don't care so much about the consequences as the results of following such a weight loss plan. And the appeal of such a diet increases tenfold when we see our favorite celebrities standing in all their svelte glory, endorsing consciously or unconsciously, the drastic measures that helped them achieve that picture perfect figure.
One of the more popular celebrity weight management diet plans is Master Cleanse - a diet that allows you to drink only a special concoction prepared by mixing together lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water. A great favorite with a Hollywood celebrity since it allowed her to drop 20 pounds in two weeks!
Who wouldn't if they were surviving on little more than water? But the singer confesses that she put on weight once the diet was over. Doesn't seem like a very useful diet to lose weight fast, does it?
There are countless rapid weight loss diet plans and they seem to be doing some good to one celebrity or the other. A famous Hollywood actress swears by the Cabbage Soup diet while another two celebrities endorse the baby food (yuck!) diet. A global model credits her wow body to the raw food diet and a famous socialite cum model's secret mantra is the Cookie Diet.
However, one has to stop at some point of time and ask the question, "How healthy are these celebrity weight loss diets?" The main role of fad diets is to restrict the number of calories you intake, generally leading to accelerated weight loss over a short period of time. That is the only advantage (if you want to call it that) of following such a drastic and limited diet. Anything else you see, read or hear is pure poppy-cock.
On the other hand the disadvantages that come with these insane techniques to lose weight fast overshadow any possible benefit you might like to credit them with. The rapid weight loss they bring about is unsafe and unsustainable. According to Mayo Clinic sustainable weight loss is one where you lose no more than one or two pounds every week. Anything more than that is a potential health risk. It can lead to loss of lean tissues and muscle mass. In addition, these celebrity weight management diet plans do not provide your body with the essential nutrition it needs to carry on day to day function.
Personally, I prefer losing weight in the long term to losing weight rapidly that is promised by fad diets. Besides, what good can these diets do to you, if they can't guarantee to keep the weight off you for good? You starve yourself, restrict the kind of food you eat, and deny yourself wholesome meals for what? Just so you can put on all that weight the moment you get back to a normal diet?
I don't know about you, but that sounds like a silly way to live life. My vote's on the healthier weight loss options. About time you came over to this side of the fence as well.
You are free to publish this article without any change in the content electronically, in print, in your e-book, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author resource details are included.
JOIN NOW - GLOBAL WELLNESS CLUB and receive your FREE joining GIFT e-book, "Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself". Learn more about diet programs, body building techniques, slimming and weight loss secrets, To join CLICK HERE or GO TO http://wellness.epodlearn.com

.: Why Vitamin B12 Is Important In Weight Loss

Many people who suffer from weight problems and are always looking for ways to lose it. Due to this problem, they end up falling prey to products in the market that promise a quick fix to the problem. These products come in the form of pills and supplements which sometimes do not help in solving the problem. For many people, this problem can be solved by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. It is also important to introduce vitamins to your diet. Vitamins are nutrients that one can get through living things such as plants and animals.
Vitamins can be divided into two broad groups, i.e.; those that are water-soluble and those that are fat soluble. Vitamins help in growth promotion, weight loss, metabolism, formation of blood cells, growth of hormones and genetic material. There are various sources of vitamins such as; lean meat, fish, pork, eggs, milk, soy products, whole grains and leafy vegetables. When one does not get enough vitamins in the body it can result in some diseases due to deficiency. Signs of deficiency include anemia, fatigue, abdominal pains, muscle weakness, eye problems, mouth ulcers and inflammation of the tongue.
Vitamin B12 plays a very important role in the body and is known to aid in weight loss. It helps in increasing the rate of metabolism in the body, making one burn fat faster and hence lose weight. In addition, when exercising to lose weight one requires extra energy in order to perform the exercises. This energy can be gained by consuming the required amount of the vitamin. It helps produce energy by assisting in the process of converting food into energy. The vitamin can be consumed in form of pills, injections or naturally through foods. The foods that provide this vitamin includes those that are high in protein, such as; fish, eggs, liver and meat. However, some cereals are fortified with it and are very good for breakfast.
Vitamin B12 is also important in preventing cravings. This means that, one does not get to over indulge in food which can make them put on the pounds. It also aids in weight loss by helping the body immune system. When your immunity is working well, it becomes difficult for you to fall sick. When you are feeling well, it means that you are able to go about your usual business hence keeping active. By being active, one does not gain excessive weight.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Weight Management. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here RESISTANCE WEIGHT TRAINING If You Enjoyed This Article, Make Sure You Read My Most Recent Posts Here LIFTING WEIGHTS

.: What Is the Role of Vitamin B12 in Weight Loss?

Cobalamin popularly known as vitamin B12 is among the very important nutrients which our body system requires to function adequately. It is indispensable to the body, as it is significant in the production of DNA through a biological process called cell division and also enables the formation of healthy red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 is widely acclaimed to be the "energy vitamin" owing to the fact that it energizes and revitalizes the body. B12 is a solution for tiredness and it increases the rate of body metabolism. The red blood cells shoulder the responsibility of providing the body with hemoglobin, hemoglobin in the blood facilitates the movement of oxygen from our lungs to other areas of the body.
B12 has several vital functions but the main point here is does it assist in weight loss?
Is there a connection between weight loss and B12?
Now let's take a look at weight loss and vitamin B12 injections
A number of people go to hospitals to get B12 injections. The injections are administered right into the muscle, in other to enhance faster absorption. Individuals who are given these injections largely suffer from syndromes like incessant tiredness or other deficiencies associated with fatigue. There are assertions and claim that taking B12 injections help to lose weight in sizable capacity.
Nonetheless, B12 injections on there own do not frankly result in fat loss, and they are not premeditated to do so. Then how come those who take these medications experience loss in weight?
A number of factors are to be put consideration as regards B12 and it role in weight loss.
Vitamin B12 quickens the metabolic process and by implication results in increased fat loss. Those who take these injections have a propensity to be conscious of their shape, as well as health and are possibly on a vegetarian diet, or other dieting routines and formulae.
Vitamin B12 vitalizes the body with a huge amount of energy. This energy, by and large enables people to keep up their diets, and aid them to do exercise more often as they feel less fatigue. Vitamin B12 furthermore, assist in combating stress and depressive mood, these are symptoms which are very often linked with excess weight.
No doubt B12 injections can be of tremendous advantage to many individual, especially folks presenting with vitamin B12 deficiency. On the other hand, there are disadvantages and side reactions when used abusively in large dosage or when administered together with certain medication. This also poses a risk for people with already existing medical conditions. It's crucial that you consult a doctor before taking any form of injections.
The Deficiency of B12 Vitamin
The lack of vitamin B12 or any other deficiencies can pose a fundamentally threatening state of health. The body has the natural ability to store up a vast reservoir of vitamin B12, these deficiencies often times surface when our body is not able to completely absorb vitamin B12 due to ill health or ageing. Fortunately, deficiencies can result in weight loss, coupled with other symptoms. Rear instances of permanent nerve damage; have been reportedly traced to B12 deficiency that has been left unattended to over time.
An individual presenting with or diagnosed of vitamin B12 deficiency will be faced with the choice of taking supplements. They are commonly found in the form of capsules pills or injections which are shot directly into the muscles. Agreed, vitamin B12 will not directly amount to weight loss, however, it is an indispensable nutrient required for healthy living. The role of vitamin B12 in the body can not be over emphasized, it is crucial to get these supplement and by so doing enhancing healthier living.
The role of vitamin B12 in dieting
In any weight loss plan or dieting solution, having a balanced diet comprising of all the vital nutrient is crucial. All fundamental vitamins are inclusive; therefore B12 should not be left out.
Now lets make a list of foods rich in B12:
*Dairy products;
*Meat; and
*Poultry birds.
Vitamin B12 is found naturally in animals, but if you are on a vegetarian diet then you can opt in for supplements. It is crucial that you are not lacking in B12 as this could result in sever health problems.
There are several ways and techniques to lose weight naturally and effectively visit http://osunogho.blogspot.com to equip yourself with vital information on weight loss, written by seasoned weight loss expert therapist.

.: Vitamin D Will Help You With Weight Loss!

Just when you thought you had heard all about Vitamin D, more research surfaces with compelling information. Vitamin D has been a hot topic in both conventional and alternative medicine lately because vitamin D is related to so many health concerns like diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, stroke, cancer (including breast cancer), heart disease and...drum roll....weight loss as well! Believe it or not, most of us are deficient in this very important nutrient - especially the elderly, people with darker skin and people who are overweight.
Our bodies make vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. This very important nutrient is called a vitamin, but vitamin D is actually a precursor hormone that is a building block of a steroid hormone called calcitriol. Vitamin D has always been known for its role in the health of our bones and teeth but an amazing amount of research of late has been surfacing showing the surprising connection between vitamin D and the prevention of most chronic diseases.
Vitamin D promotes normal cell growth throughout your body, maintaining hormone balance and a healthy immune system. Vitamin D slows down the growth of fat cells as well. Calcitriol actually becomes part of the physical make-up of the cells. However, when Vitamin D is deficient, as it is in most of us, the cells are not able to behave properly and are vulnerable to these serious health issues including weight gain and obesity.
One study done in Britain (Aberdeen University Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, 2008) showed that people who were overweight had lower levels of vitamin D. The study found that low levels of vitamin D in the blood interfered with the function of a hormone called Leptin, which tells the brain when you are full. Researchers at Aberdeen University found that obese people produced 10% less vitamin D than people of average weight. The study also found that excess body fat absorbs vitamin D, stopping it from entering the blood stream.
Another Study in Britain (Ortega RM, Aparicio A, et al, Br J Nutr 2008) using 60 overweight/obese women aged 20-35 years that had adhered to a low calorie diet, showed that those with higher vitamin d levels lost more weight and fat.
Now, these are just two studies, and I obviously cannot go over the enormous amount of research out there, but suffice it to say, the conclusions are primarily the same - Vitamin D helps with weight loss and weight gain.
How does vitamin D help with weight loss?
As mentioned, extra body fat holds on to vitamin D so that the body cannot use it. This perceived deficiency interferes with the action of the hormone Leptin. If you are not able to recognize when you are satiated, you are more likely to overeat.
Taking Vitamin D in conjunction with Calcium, helps to properly assimilate food and regulate normal blood sugar levels. Not only do you need calcium to further your weight loss, but you will also need to trim the calories. Vitamin D is not a magic potion. So to ensure this "Vitamin" can work its magic, watch your food intake, exercise and take your vitamin D with Calcium for optimal success.
What is the recommended dosage?
Although current guidelines suggest a daily intake from 400-600 IUs, research is clearly showing that this is way too low. A dosage between 2,000 and 4,000 IUs a day will have a much more therapeutic effect, boosting your overall health, help in prevention of illness and chronic disease and promotion of fat loss. Supplement with Vitamin D3 not D2. D2 is a synthetic derivative and not easily absorbed.
Living a healthy life is easy once you have the knowledge. If you would like to learn more about how carrying extra weight can silently steal your health or any other area of health and nutrition, please visit us here: http://www.dlsHealthWorks.com/ and while you are visiting, please sign-up for your FREE eBOOK "7 Steps To Optimum Health" Also sign up for your FREE weight loss tips! Here you will find everything you need to create optimum health in your life.
Lori L. Shemek, PhD, CNC, CLC, is Founder and President of DLS HealthWorks. Lori is a weight Loss Specialist, Author, Speaker, Show Host of "Creating Optimum Health!" and Health Expert.

.: Important Vitamins Needed For Weight Loss

Weight control of body or functions related with weight - like hunger, appetite, metabolic rate, metabolism of sugars and fats, calorie burning, and many other - are mostly operated with optimum intake of vitamins.
All these factors play a role in maintaining optimum weight and health. And not only single specific vitamin can do the job, it is the collective work and the group of vitamins obtains the main goal. So it is very tough to specify the vitamin, which is best for weight reduction.
Best Vitamins For Weight Reduction
Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 and mostly all the vitamins of B complex group are helpful in weight reduction. Vitamin C will also do an additional effort to loose weight.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 is needed for metabolism and normal thyroid function.
Good sources of vitamin B2 are Milk, almonds, hard cheese, kidney and liver.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) eggs, wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, Marmite.
Vitamin B3 is necessary for thyroid hormone production.
Vitamin B3 is a part of glucose tolerance factor, which releases every time blood sugar rises. Good sources of Vitamin B3 are liver, Wheat bran, turkey, tuna cheese, meat, eggs, chicken, oats, mackerel, barley, dried fruit, salmon, wheat flakes, brown rice.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Deficiency of Vitamin B5 interferes with capacity to utilize fat. Vitamin B5 assists in normal adrenal function and plays important role in energy production.
Good sources of Vitamin B5 are meat, liver and kidney, wheat bran, poultry, nuts, wheat flakes, wheat germ, whole grain bread, oats, eggs, molasses, barley, beans and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 controls metabolism and regulates the production of thyroid hormone.
Good sources of Vitamin B6 are wheat bran, oats, brewer's yeast, brown rice, sardines wheat germ, poultry, mackerel, avocado, beef, molasses, dried fruit bananas, cabbage and eggs.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is also known as coalmine. It maintains nerve cells and red blood cells healthy. It is also needed for formation of DNA, the genetic material found in all cells. It is also released by Hydrochloric acid in the stomach during digestion. Once it is released, it combines with gastric intrinsic factor (IF), which is help full in absorption of digested food.
Good sources for Vitamin B12 are Beef, salmons, trout and yogurts.
Choline is a member of Vitamin B complex group, so it is not real vitamin and it is made in the liver. Choline is required for efficient fat metabolism. Choline deficiency gives rise to fats becoming trapped in liver.
Good sources of choline are: lecithin, beef liver, cucumber, beef heart, cauliflower, egg yolks and wheatgerm and peanuts.
As like choline inositol is also a member of vitamin B complex. Inositol is also manufactured inside the body. So we cannot consider Inositol as real vitamin. It combines with choline to help in fat metabolism. Good food sources of inositol are lecithin, whole grains, beef heart, wheat germ, beef liver, soy, eggs, citrus fruits and nuts.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C gives a range of health benefits including conversion of glucose to energy inside the cells. Good sources of vitamin C are lemons, green peppers, broccoli, kiwi fruits, oranges, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, cabbage and black currants.
As you can see from the above list, your diet needs to be varied in order to keep up functions that assist in weight loss. This is one of the reasons why it is best to eat an assortment of foods and never go on a diet that has you eating just one or two types of foods.

.: Vital Vitamins and Effective Weight Loss

Unless you're a health buff or a medical professional, you probably don't know each and every vitamin that your body needs. A vitamin basically supplies our bodies with compounds that we cannot sufficiently produce on our own or not at all. There vitamins that most of us are familiar with, like Vitamin C for our immune system, Vitamin A for our eye sight, and Vitamin D for the skin. One specific vitamin is essential to our body's normal performance. Vitamin B12 is an integral factor to the development of blood and is important our brain and the nervous system to work properly. But there is one other special benefit we can receive from this unique organic compound.
Also known as Cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12 has other great benefits for the human body. It can revitalize your body and boost your energy during the day. It also helps fight certain cancers keep your mental state balanced and upbeat. Individuals who lack the necessary daily requirement of vitamin B12 in their body are prone to depression, getting tired easily, anemia, gastrointestinal problems, and neurological complications like memory loss, paranoia and many more. B12 helps keep both the body and mind working as efficiently as possible, that is why it is so important to make sure you get you daily dose either through your diet or through supplements.
While all of these benefits are great, vitamin B12 is also known to help individuals lose weight. As vitamin B12 promotes a healthy digestive system and help our bodies maintain its metabolism, this in turn burns more calories and reduce food intake by satiating a person's hunger pangs.
Vitamin B12 injections have been available to the public not only to prevent B12 deficiency, but also to quickly lose weight in a safe manner. B12 injections takes your weight loss program a step further by giving you energy and a healthy feeling which helps you during your daily exercise regimen. Combine this with a healthy meal every day and you've unlocked the fast track to weight loss.
When taking vitamin B12 injections, it is enough for an adult to take at most, 3 micrograms a day. While overdosing on B12 is unlikely, anything in excess that the recommended dietary allowance is not recommended. Additionally, your body won't make use of the excess as it no longer needs it. Still, it is better to be safe than sorry. B12 injections are in a lot of ways better than capsules because it is easily absorbed by the body and it immediately gets the vitamin requirement it needs for the day.
For those who want to try out B12 supplements, a good brand to look for is Trim Nutrition's B12 injections. They also carry one specifically designed to aid in weight loss and combines B12 with other vitamin supplements that your body needs as well and may also help in treating other illnesses. However, you should know that B12 is not an instant cure at all, you still need to combine that with nutritious food and an active lifestyle to maximize its benefits and start losing weight.
Kenneth Levenstein is an online publisher of health related websites. Click the link for more information on where to buy B12 injections.

.: Easy Way to Lose Weight With Vitamin B6 Supplement - Natural Weight Loss New Discovery

Are you motivated to lose weight? Sure, you are! You are aware of the dangerous health consequences of being overweight? But, as many other people, your battle to lose weight doesn't have any success! You have probably tried so many different kinds of pills and diets without any good result! You would like to know if a new scientific discovery about how to lose weight will be able to help you. You are right; scientists have discovered a new function of the vitamin B6 linked with weight loss. Let's see how it works and how can you benefit from it.
Vitamin B Roles
We know 8 vitamins B: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (Pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamins). They are all chemically distinct although they are part of the same group of vitamins. However, all of them play a vital role to stimulate your body's metabolism, to improve your mood and energy, to drop off the effects of stress and to reduce your triglyceride levels. Have you noticed that all these effects contribute to lose weight? Nevertheless, according to new scientific investigations, the B6 vitamin would be a molecule much more active in weight loss. How then?
Vitamin B6 and its Newly Discovered Function
A recent study in United States has demonstrated that an insufficient intake of vitamins B6 would be responsible of a neurotransmitters production disorder. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and tryptophan play an important role in the feeling of well-being which prevents someone from eating too much sweet food and eating at any time. Additionally, vitamin B6 is involved in many aspects of metabolism and helps to 'burn' Body's fats.
Brazil Researchers Study
Researchers in Brazil discovered that patients had lost an average of 3.3 pounds for every milligram of Vitamin B6 added in their diet.
Food Sources of Vitamin B6
Eat spinach, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, turnip greens, celery, kale, garlic, tuna and banana.
There are evidences that the vitamin B6 can help to get weight loss. But to tell the truth, you cannot expect to lose a lot of weight just eating the kind of food enumerated before. I suggest you to eat a little more food which contain a lot of vitamins B6 and follow a professional diet program.
Visit Alexis Roger's website: Natural Health
Alexis Roger is a French biochemist who loves investigating and teaching. He has studied various fields of science such as pharmacology, physiology, endocrinology, chemistry, bacteriology, anatomy and botanic. He displays a great interest in international alternative medicine therapies.

.: Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.
B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.
It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?
What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?
Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss
Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.
However, injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?
There are many factors to take into consideration.
B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.
Shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.
While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.
A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.
Vitamin B12 and Dieting
When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.
Food sources rich in B12
Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dairy products, Eggs, and Fish
Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.
I tried everything to lose weight including vitamin b12 and never had much luck until I discovered this simple weight loss system and I was able to lose over 42 pounds you can learn more by visiting Healthy Weight Loss Project