.: How to Tighten Sagging Skin After Weight Loss

Losing weight has great benefits not just for your physical body but also to the quality of your life. However, some people may encounter sagging skin right after they lost their weight.
But sagging skin should not stop you from losing weight. Remember, sagging skin can be prevented if you only knew how to deal with your skin while losing weight.
The most important thing to remember to avoid sagging skin is to prevent drastic weight loss. Those diet fads that promise you to lose weight quickly can be bad for your health. Those programs that promise you to lose weight in 5 to 7 days can really be tempting however, if it is extreme, It may lead to dehydration of your body and your skin. Dehydration of skin may result to lose of elasticity, which may lead to sagging skin.
Likewise, rapid weight loss may not give enough time to your skin to adjust to your new body frame. The ideal weight loss is just one or two pounds a week, this will prevent sagging skin in the future.
Then, to tighten skin, applying moisturizer is required. A good moisturizer may add 70% of moisture to the skin. This is important because as you lose weight, the moisture is needed to keep elasticity of the skin, so as the body shrinks, the skin will also follow.
Drinking multivitamins is also another way to tighten the skin. We know that cutting too much calories may prevent us from getting all the nutrients needed by our skin. Taking a multivitamins, which include vitamin A, C and E as well as other vitamins like B-complex, may do wonders for your skin.
Finding a multivitamins, which also include copper and zinc, may also boost healthy skin.
Aside from multivitamins, drinking lots of water is also important. Drinking eight glasses of water daily also maintain the moisture of your skin. It also aid in flushing out the toxin of the skin making your skin appears more healthier.
Caffeinated beverages are not included in drinking water. Beverages that contain caffeine are diuretic, thus, causing your body to lose more water from your system. 
Another way to tighten skin is to use weights in your exercise. Even though you already lost a significant weight, it is still important that you lift weight. Using weights can build more muscle, which can really plump your skin. This process will make your skin appear tighter.
In the end, exercising will also guarantee that you will not regain back the weight that you already lost.
To know more how to tighten skin after weight loss, visit http://www.weightism.org/thread-2220.html. Weightism is an online community that help people achieved their weight loss goals

.: Eat Weight Loss Foods to Prevent Diseases

It costs a lot to be sick. We have to be concerned about our health as much as we are concerned about anything else. People are faced nowadays with different types of diseases. Diseases not only affect you if they get to your system but also your families and loved ones one way or another. You should therefore eliminate all the possibilities of becoming sick or if diseases have already been acquired, try to at least control them to avoid further problems. Keep in mind that prevention is still better than cure which means that you have to be aware and be cautious about the possible diseases that you can acquire so that you can avoid them.
The leading causes of mortality and hospitalization nowadays have something to do with the cardiovascular and circulatory system which involves the heart, blood, blood vessels, and all the organs supplied by them. This means that this disease affects the body as a whole for if it worsens may lead to dangerous complications, even death. We are actually referring to hypertension wherein the root cause is the increase of cholesterol levels in the blood. Hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure increases because of several factors, one of which is because the cholesterol level in the body increased due to careless eating. In other words, cholesterol is mostly acquired from the food that we eat. It is only logical then to resort to ways and solutions that can lower cholesterol. One of the safest and natural ways is including weight loss foods to your daily meals.
Cholesterol works in such a way that it accumulates on the wall of the blood vessel where blood passes. It makes the passage narrower making it difficult for blood to flow. This also makes the heart pump blood with more force thereby stressing it. Overtime, this condition weakens the heart and blood vessels damaged which in turn affects the organs that are supposed to be supplied with nutrients and oxygen.
Since cholesterol found in foods that we eat is the major cause, we have to counter it with weight loss foods containing nutrients that neutralize the harmful effects of cholesterol. We have to be aware of the foods that we have to avoid. Some of the most harmful chemicals of foods are sodium or salt, hydrogenated oil and trans fat. Too much of these is dangerous and may increase the risk of high blood pressure or hypertension. Therefore you have to be aware and avoid foods that are high in these chemicals.
Good weight loss foods on the other hand have nutrients that are beneficial to the heart and blood. They keep the blood vessel healthy by clearing them of fats accumulated on their wall. The usual suggestion by nutritionists remains true; prioritize foods from plants, vegetables and fruits while minimizing the intake of fatty meat and dairy products. This is a simple but important principle in keeping your body healthy to avoid diseases that could cost you a lot.
Know more about weight loss and start living a healthy life.

.: What You Must Know About Losing Fat

You must have tried several crash diets in an attempt to lose fat that leaves you feeling defeated because you did not lose a kilogram. The good news is that you can bounce back from failure. Keep in mind that if you intend to lose so much fat in a little time as possible it may not lead to success.

If you desire to lose fat in a healthy way, you should not take it as if you are competing with someone. While you are on your way to a healthier and skimmer you, you need to learn the following:
Change Your Unhealthy Habits
Chances are you must have developed some unhealthy habits which resulted to your being overweight. If this is so, now is the right time to change those habits. You may have been eating a reasonable portion for your main meal, and then probably snack a lot which is even worse. With snacking you are unaware how much you are really eating until it is too late. If you are guilty of this, it is time to stop this unhealthy habit. You should instead opt for healthy portion of fruits or nuts.

Learn to take Breakfast
Taking breakfast is an important part of your fat loss program. The mistake many dieters make is to skip it, and ultimately regret because skipping breakfast will not make you lose fat. It sets the pace for the rest of the day as it is the first meal of the day. When you eat it, the body feels nourished and you are less likely to overindulge during the rest of the day. The healthy breakfast choices are, whole grain, toast fruits, cereal, orange juice or a glass of skim milk and water.

Eat Lots of Fiber
Fiber should be included in your diet because it helps you to reach your fat loss goal faster. It can be got from eating brown rice, whole wheat bread, vegetables and cereal. The following are the other foods that contain fiber:
• Seed and nuts
• Corn
• Peas
• Potatoes with skin
• Beans

Finally, if you want to ensure that your fat loss efforts are successful, set a goal for yourself and a deadline for achieving this goal. Your timeline must be realistic, keep in mind that this is a lifestyle change and not quick fix program. Aim to shed about 2 KG a week not 10 KG. If you lose fat in a realistic timeline, chances are you will keep it off for good unlike those who lose large amounts in a short time.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Irabor_Oboyo_Mark

.: Obstacles to Weight-Loss Success (Part I)

Every diet I've ever tried, I've failed at miserably. I start off great - pumped, prepared, and eager to lose. But it doesn't take long for me to derail from the plan and begin cheating. Are you like me? Chances are you've experienced this at some point in your life.

I used to get so angry with myself for not following through; I couldn't understand why my great intentions always ended with defeat. Many experts say that people stuff their feelings with food. But I didn't realize what that feeling was until just recently when I watched my son struggle the same way. It's amazing how clearly we can identify other people's issues (rather than our own). But if I learned something - who cares?

My Biggest Obstacle
What was that feeling that I was stuffing? Be honest - tell me if this describes your attempts to lose weight, or change a habit, or follow a difficult plan. I felt sorry for myself! Yup, it's true. Looking back over my life, my 20/20 after-the-fact vision clearly reveals that I succumb to a pity party every time I have to control my eating.

I'd find myself arguing with, well, myself while I was out shopping:
Strong Self: "Don't buy that treat!"
Weak Self: "Why can't I just have this one?"
Strong Self: "Don't do it!"
Weak Self: "I promise. It'll just be this one." [Note: It's never just the one. That one instigates so much trouble - a downward spiral.]
Strong Self: "What is wrong with you? You do this every time."
Weak Self: "Everyone else gets to eat what they want. Why can't I?" [Really?]
Strong Self: "First, EVERYONE else isn't eating what they want. Second, grow up!"
Weak Self: "My life is so hard right now. I lost my job. I'm discouraged. I just want this treat - there's nothing wrong with that!"
And so it goes.

I got to thinking about why having that one treat became so important. My best guess (and many therapists would probably agree), that I felt so comforted by my mom when I was little and I don't have that now. For some reason pampering myself with treats seems to give me that invisible hug that I crave so much.
Being able to indulge myself takes the sting out of being a grown-up. That other self? That whiny voice sneaks up when I least expect it? The best way to deal with that voice is to PLAN for that voice. Here are some strategies that work for me:
Keep a record: Most people have a smart phone, and if you don't, you probably still have access to paper. I keep a running tally in my smart phone's notepad every time I start to have that annoying conversation with myself. If I give in, I jot it down. Inevitably, whatever I craved so badly and couldn't live without gives me acid reflux, a stomachache, or some other negative side effect. I note that as well. What I've just done is loaded up with ammunition for the next time I whine at myself. I can remind myself how this "treat" impacted the way I feel.

Have a backup: I keep a high-protein bar in my purse and one in my car. I can have that instead - or if I'm still in the store, I can promise myself a compromise if I leave empty handed. This has gotten me out of many close calls.

Dodge and weave: What? I trick myself sometimes - hey, we get desperate! I tell myself that I can rethink this decision after I've completed my shopping. If I'm tempted while driving, I tell myself I can rethink that treat at the next exit - then the next exit, etc.

Distract yourself: I have many ways to distract myself. I phone or text a friend (not while driving), check my social media, I also carry my e-reader everywhere. I no longer worry about standing in line next to the candy display; I'm usually reading my Kindle in the check out. I get so engrossed in what I'm reading that I forget about that craving (until the next time). If I'm driving, I listen to music or instructional mp3s.
And if none of these strategies works, I try one last ditch effort to stop myself:

Face it head on: This is brutal, but necessary to succeed. I ask myself why I am voluntarily, willfully trying to sabotage my own efforts. I remind myself of my goal, of why I want to achieve that goal, and ask myself if that treat is worth giving up on that goal.

And finally, there is always that time that none of this works and I give in to my whining. When this happens, the best thing to do is to love yourself and recommit to your goal. Start fresh the next day.
I am dedicated to providing people who struggle with their weight and health a place to find tips and encouragement. To find out more, click here and visit my website called Retrain Mind and Body.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Candace_Mondello

.: Natural Weight Loss - Herbal Remedies To Maintain An Ideal Body Weight

Herbs have been used since ages for a number of medical purposes. Out of a wide number of treatments, weight management has always been the prime concern of the people. This issue continues to persist even in the present day world. Certain herbs have unique beneficial properties that are very useful in losing weight and maintaining an ideal body for the rest of the life. A good number of herbs help in boosting the metabolism, while the others aid the process of detoxification. These herbs also help in improving the functions of thyroid and can also assist in reducing the hunger spasms. All these properties consequently help in reducing a person's body fat.

On a safety note, these herbs should not be used alone in the weight loss plans. Their consumption should be combined with some sort of fat burning exercises in order to burn body fat in a quick and effective manner. Further in this article, I have discussed some main healthy herbs, helpful in burning the surplus body fat and maintaining an ideal body shape.

1. Green Tea
It has been used by Chinese people for over a period of more than 4000 years in order to improve the digestion and metabolism activities. It is one of the best natural antioxidants that helps in burning body fat. It also helps in containing the fat absorption as well as accumulation activities in an easy manner. Polyphenols present in green tea help a lot in dissolving the triglycerides and in turn, burning the body fat easily.

2. Triphala
It is yet another effective natural source of burning surplus body fat and maintaining an ideal body weight. It comes under the head of top ayurvedic herbs to lose fat. It is actually made from the extracts of three different fruits, which is evident from the word TRI in the phrase. It helps in losing weight, improving the digestive system, clearing skin, improving the health of the eye and detoxification.

3. Guggul
This can also be said as one of the most ancient herbs in the history of Ayurveda. It helps in reducing the cholesterol content in the blood and thereby, controlling the body weight. It also helps in improving the functioning of thyroid and the metabolism to lose weight in an easy and effective manner.

So, these are some of the main herbs that augment the weight management process. These herbs do not have any kind of side effects and helps in dealing with a lot of other health related issues as well.

Are you fond of eating? Do you find it difficult to control your urge to eat? If yes, then you can burn your fat while eating. Weight Loss Diet plans can help you in reducing the dimensions of your belly bloat in a healthy manner.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edith_Gibson

.: You Cannot Achieve Lasting Weight Loss With A Diet

So many of us want to lose weight and we can only dream about how good it would be not only to do that but having the power to keep it off for good. This is the part that for most people who embark on a quest to lose weight are missing - the power to keep any lost weight - lost.

The ability to permanently lose weight is not found in what we have been brainwashed to believe - quick fix fad diets and extreme fat burning exercise regimes. Mainstream weight loss systems fail to deliver on the 'how' we keep it lost and their main focus is on losing as much weight in as short a time as possible and nothing else.

The problem with this though is that it works against our body and our metabolism. Our body does not like experiencing food shortages and will do all it can to make you fail. It has no idea we only want to fit into our skinny jeans for an upcoming pool party and there is not a famine looming that could threaten survival. It also does not know there is a fridge full of food in the next room and we are in no danger of starving.

To protect itself against this very real perceived food shortage our body will turn up the appetite to make you go search for food while at the same time slowing everything down in your body to conserve energy. Fat burning comes to a screeching half and fat storage is ramped up. Not a recipe for long-term fat loss you will agree.

No, that approach does not work so we need to talk about what does work for permanent weight loss and our mind holds the key to this. The way our inner mind programming is operating will determine whether we remain slim and trim or become overweight. If we are in the overweight category we need that 'slim' mind software and the good news is that is entirely possible.

First we find and identify the thoughts and self-beliefs stored in your mind that may be working against you and causing roadblocks in your weight loss journey. Then we get rid of them and replace them with more positive, focused thoughts and self-beliefs that will boost your mental strength and willpower and take your motivation levels up a few notches.

This is a new and exciting concept that works on preparing and programming your mind for successful and long-term weight loss - something that a diet or exercise program can never ever give you. If you do not address the 'inner' programming you will likely never get what you want on the 'outer' and be successful at losing weight. You will be derailed time and time again no matter how many fad diets or exercise programs you begin.

But it is relatively easy for you to fix things up from the inside. When you have new fresh positive and focused thoughts and self-beliefs dropped into your mind you will find losing weight so much achievable. Gone is the struggle with food and your weight that may have been hindering you and your life for a long time.

Forget the quick-fix diets and get yourself started on something more long-term and permanent. When you get your mind working with you rather than having it working against you the way forward is clearer and all you need to do is get ready to step into the body of your dreams.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

.: If You Change Your Brain You Can Change Your Body

When someone has become overweight they automatically only think of the fat piled up on the outside of their body but this is just a symptom of something gone wrong with the inner programming of the mind. They normally go on some sort of 'diet' and wonder why they may lose some weight initially then it comes back again with usually some extra as well.

There is a much better way to tackle weight loss and the idea is to change your brain change your body.
Our subconscious mind is in fact our body's software. In it are stored thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas and self-beliefs which are the things that drive your actions (or inaction). Our brain software also contains all of the 'programming' for our metabolism (the rate our body burns fuel) and also our everyday habits. Both of these things greatly influence our body weight.

So, to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF our subconscious mind is the very first place and origin of where all body weight changes must first begin, if you want these changes are to truly last.

Our subconscious mind works exactly like a computer - it responds to whatever is fed into it and is programmed to do.

The good news is within your mind and body is the perfect blueprint for that fit, slim, healthy person who you truly are and were born to be. The key is to rediscover and reconnect with this person inside and to do this you will need to get to know YOU on a deeper level.

We need to find and change the obstacles and roadblocks that have got and are keeping you overweight. To be able to create a new body for ourselves we need to ensure our mind-set and attitudes are also transformed so they are aligned with this new body.

If this is not done there can only be struggle and frustration and you can see this with people whose lives are made miserable by the yo-yo, weight loss/gain cycle many end up on. This is something mainstream weight loss systems do not even address and that is why at best they can only create temporary weight loss and who wants that?

You will need a little help in reprogramming your mind so you can lose weight. Your present way of thinking and doing has got you where you are today so if you are not happy with the body you are living in we need to make some changes so you can get the body you WILL be happy to live in for the rest of your life. The phrase 'change your brain change your body' is the nitty gritty of what is needed to lose weight and remember it will also change your life so it is important.

Change your mind change your body and its easy
Once you drop new thoughts, beliefs and ideas into your brain you will find immediately you start to make slight different food choices and begin to get more active. As time goes on your new mind-set and attitude grows and intensifies and you become more motivated and focused to lose the weight.

With this new mind software upgrade firmly in place not only is losing weight easy and effortless but keeping it off is also easy and effortless. Your 'inner' now is a match for what you want to have happen on the 'outer'.
Your newly 'programmed' habits - such as making better food choices, eating less food in general and exercising regularly becomes 'who you are' not just something 'you do' and this is what is needed for long-term permanent weight loss.

The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

.: Lose Weight Easily - Change From The Inside Out First

People who lose weight and keep it off have a secret. They may not even be aware of it but they have changed from the inside out. After all what you observe on the 'outside' of someone's body is just a reflection of what is happening on the 'inside' and your outlook on not just yourself but on your entire life.

Are you unable to lose weight?
If you want to lose weight and transform your body (or any other aspect of your life) then you have to change on the inside - your inner mind programming first - then your body will follow. If you keep getting the same negative results in your life - such as the same body fat continues to return even after you lose it, then you are likely to be running old 'faulty' inner mind programs and reinforcing them with negative thought pattern, self-beliefs and emotions.

You will not even be aware of these things as they are stored in your subconscious mind but they will continue to sabotage you time and time again no matter how many diets or exercise programs you begin.
Our neural pathways are like grooves in a record, and if you are struggling with food and your weight you have been playing the same old records over and over again. But the good news is if you were to carve some new grooves into that same record, it would never play the same way again. The old patterns would weaken and the new ones would override and take over.

Brand new more focused positive thoughts, feelings; self-beliefs begin to create new neural patterns and it is from here that actions (like healthy eating and proper exercise) are driven. If the goal is to lose weight then making better food choices, eating less overall and enjoying exercise becomes more important to you as you REALLY want to reach your goals.

Recently neuroscientists have discovered that we all have the capacity to create an almost infinite number of new neural connections in our brain by creating new thought and image patterns. This is the secret to becoming a slim person - change the inside first and the body will follow in an automatic way. This makes losing weight easy and effortless and you don't need any sort of diet plan to do it.

If you have not been able to lose weight in the past to be able to change your lack of results you must overwrite old negative 'junk thinking' that has built up in your mind and install positive new programming into your subconscious. We do this by first identifying the things that are acting as roadblocks to what we want to achieve then we go about changing them so they longer sabotage us at every turn.

Once we 'flesh out' those villains buried in your subconscious mind that make you frustrated and miserable about your inability to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF you can become the slim, fit, healthy person you want to be.

When you drop new positive and more focused thoughts and self-beliefs into your inner mind programming you will start to make better food choices and feel happier about taking the body and life actions (healthy eating and proper exercise) that will get you the results you want, When you change your mind, you change your body and your life as well for the better.
This is what you have in mind isn't it?
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.

You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

.: Detoxification and Weight Loss - How to Detox for Maximum Weight Loss Results

When it comes to speeding up weight loss and achieving superior fitness and health results, opting for a detox diet is the way to go. A detoxification diet can help you in so many ways. For starters, our bodies are constantly under attack for the harmful chemicals found in the food we ingest, the air we breathe, and so on. This waste build-up leads to a myriad of health and performance troubles.
Luckily, detoxing-also known as cleansing-can help you make do with most of waste.
Secondly, if you're struggling to lose weight, a detox diet can help turn your vision into a concrete reality. Detoxification can help you clear out waste from the colon and other internal organs. By doing so, you'll enhance digestion and the absorption of nutrients, thus speed up the weight loss process.
Therefore, if you're looking to get better fitness results, here are some detox diet guidelines that can help.
How to Start Detox
Starting a detox diet can prove difficult as many fitness enthusiasts don't have the slightest idea on how to proceed. Therefore, if you're looking to achieve success with this kind of diet you need to be careful from the get go. The best way to start a detox diet is to make a small change and build on it. Going for a big lifestyle change can spell disaster on your efforts and health levels. In fact, this is why most strict diet are not sustained for the long haul.
As a result, your new detox diet must be simple, straightforward and easy to follow. Aim first for a one day detox and see where you can take it from there. Overtime and as you gain more knowledge and experience in the detox territory, aim for stricter diet and shot for more days, or even weeks.
Don't Eat This
Eliminating the junk food is critical for achieving success. Refined sugars, pasteurized dairy products,processed foods, gluten, table salt, trans fat, or any other food that falls into these categories are a no-option. Most of these foods are what causing the bulk of the trouble in the first place. Opting for junk food creates nutritional deficiencies and diseases, and promotes fat storing hormones, thus leading to weight gain and a plethora of other health problems.
Eat This
If you think that getting rid of the junk food will leave you with no more eating options, you're wrong. You can still eat healthy, and enjoy the new menu. It's just a question of habits and deleting instant gratification. Learn to do this and you'll be on your way to achieve the best health and fitness levels of your life.
Here is what you need to drink and eat during the detoxification period:
- Drink plenty of water. When Detoxing, it's essential to keep your body well hydrated throughout the process. Proper hydration will help you remove much of the toxins of your body and also help keep cravings and hunger at bay. Aim for 8 glasses of water per day as a minimum and make sure that your body is well hydrated throughout the day.
- Replace all energy drinks such as soda, beer or coffee with healthier choices such as lemon juice and herbal tea. Fruit juice should be consumed in moderation as the high fructose content can boost your insulin levels, thus cause cravings for more food.
- Eat whole vegetable and fruits. Some of the best choices are: carrots, watermelon, tyberries, apples, raspberries, cherries, and broccoli. These veggies and fruits are high in fiber and water content, thus they will provide you the valuable nutrients and improve digestion and the elimination of waste-products.
Opting for a detox will change your life, hopefully for the best. Nevertheless don't feel the need to take too much of a challenge. Don't be a perfectionist. Do the best you can and enjoy small victories. Even a one day detox is better than none.
About the author
David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.
If you want more free tips from David DACK, then go to http://runnersblueprint.com/weightlossrunning.html and for a limited time you can download his 35-Pages "Weight Loss By Running" eBook for FREE.

.: 3 Simple and Easy Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss doesn't have to be a troubling ordeal. Whether you're looking to drop five pounds or 15 pounds, simple lifestyle changes can increase the rate at which you burn fat and calories. Dieting is highly effective but when you deprive yourself of food or consume foods that you don't like, you're not likely to stick with a diet. Remember, it's all about lifestyle. Weight loss should not be thought of as a quick fix. It's a commitment to better health and wellness forever. If you're having a hard time figuring out where to start, there are simple and easy steps to take that won't require a lot of work or effort. Weight loss or a new healthy lifestyle shouldn't be thought of as a complete change overnight. Take time and gradually work your way into better health and wellness.
If weight loss is your priority, here are three simple and effortless ways to lose the pounds.
1. Find ways to stay active: Activity shouldn't be limited to only exercise. Throughout your day, find different ways to keep your body moving. Take the stairs at work, stand up at your computer instead of sitting, pace the floor as you talk on the phone, go for a walk on your lunch break, park away from stores and buildings or jog in place for one or two minutes at a time. Stop going to drive through eateries where you can remain in the car. Park the car and walk into the restaurant. Get up from your desk and take a walk around the floor or building every 15 - 20 minutes. All of these small ways to burn more calories add up throughout the day.
2. Replace unhealthy snacks with fruits and veggies. Some people significantly decrease their food intake while dieting. While it's good to eat less, your body needs calories and food for energy. Rather than starve yourself, stock up on some of your favorite fruits, such as grapes, apples, kiwi, peaches, carrots, celery and any other veggie sticks. These items contain natural sugar and very few calories. In addition, they contain nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that your body needs instead of empty calories from candy bars, chips and cookies.
3. Discover fun workouts. If you find the gym boring, think of other ways to exercise. There are plenty of weight loss options in the form of exercise that will get your heart pumping and keep the calories burning. You can go swimming, ride your bike, hike, take a Zumba class, kayak, learn to surf and much more. If you learn to love exercise, you're more likely to stick with a routine. It's important to gravitate toward the activities you love to do. Your chances of continuing to be active are much greater if the activities you choose are activities you love to do. You'll lose weight plus maintain a healthy lifestyle.
These three tips are a great way to get on the right track to weight loss. Take small steps in achieving weight loss. No need to change everything overnight. It's important to gradually change your lifestyle so that you can easily adapt to these new changes. Don't forget to reward yourself from time to time for your hard work. Weight loss doesn't have to be all work and no play.
Margot Rutigliano is a freelance writer as well as the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness camp offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit http://www.bvretreat.com.

.: Customized Fat Loss: The New Working Approach To Weight Loss You Should Try

There are many weight loss diets and programs in the market today. Despite this, many people are still struggling to lose weight with more people increasingly getting out of shape. While it may be said that the people who are trying to lose weight are to blame, the number of people who desperately try these fat loss diets without success is staggering. So many people cannot be wrong. It all points to a problem with the programs and diets designed to help them to shed off excessive fat. Having a customized fat loss program is what you need for your attempts at losing weight to be successful. Here are the reasons why you should look for a diet and fat loss workouts that are customized and not just what people say has worked for them.
You are unique by virtue of your genetic code. This means that your metabolism rate and nutritional needs are different from your neighbor's or friend's. This difference needs to be factored in when using any fat loss diet and leaving it out is the reason why so many people still gain weight despite trying to follow the instructions given to the latter. Making sure that whichever weight loss program you use can adequately ensure that your body gets what it needs without causing any weight gain is the only way that you can have a healthy and safe weight loss.
In order to successfully lose weight, you need to have a customized nutrition. It is important to ensure that you have one which is specifically tailored to fit your body type. What this means is that whichever workouts or diet that you use, it should be designed for your metabolism, height, weight and age. This is because the calorie allocation and the allocation of macronutrients will play a significant role in not only determining how fast you lose weight but also how healthy your body will be after the loss of weight. Whatever you eat after a workout should be different from what you eat on days in which you relax around the house. Not paying attention to these little variations in metabolic rates is the reason why most people who use fat loss programs and diets never get to achieve their goals of losing weight.
Healthy weight loss should make provision for recovery nutrition that is structured to rebuild and repair broken down muscle tissue quickly. This should however not just be any type of nutrition, but one which is tailored to your particular body type. Without having a customized fat loss approach to weight loss, there is nothing but frustration that awaits you so far as your attempts at losing weight go.
Stewart is an author, writer and coach on Rapid Fat Loss and writes on The Best Fat Loss Workouts. His efforts have been instrumental in helping thousands of men and women to not only lose weight healthily, but to also live healthier and happier lives. Click on the links for more from him.

.: The Risks of Undergoing Cheap Weight Loss Surgery Overseas

Bariatric Surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, can be an expensive procedure to self finance in the Uk private medical sector. A growing number of financially sensitive British overweight patients are seeking cheaper surgery overseas. The most popular destination in continental Europe is Belgium where the price of one of the most sought after procedure, the gastric band, can be as low as £3,200. The starting cost of a gastric band in the UK private sector is £5,000.
According to one of the latest BBC articles, the NHS is receiving a growing numbers of weight loss surgery patients returning from overseas who are in need of immediate and emergency care. The main reason the NHS needs to pick up the bill is due to the lack of aftercare offered back in the UK.
Every surgery carries risks and complications, weight loss surgery is no exception and may in some cases carry more risks due to the increased health conditions of overweight patients. The experience of the surgeon and the screening of patients may decrease the chances of a complication but as proven by the growing NHS' A&E visits, they can happen at any time.
A consultant bariatric surgeon based at the Cromwell Hospital in London has quoted to a BBC journalist: "Surgery abroad can be cheaper but may be because aftercare is not included." Dr. Ahmed further quoted that he has treated some patients immediately after their return back home. ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20936612 )
One of the main complications of a gastric band is with the band itself such as slippage or leaking. If for example, the band shifts in position it can completely restrict the intake of food and fluids which if left unattended can be life threatening.
It is important for patients to understand the need of aftercare and access to their surgeon post surgery. Patient choosing overseas medical care may need to take into consideration the extra time needed to heal after the surgery and paying for extra accommodations If complications arise after the healing process has taken place, overseas patients may also need to consider putting extra funds aside in case of emergency travel.
Not every patient heals in the same time scale and thus complications can happen at various times and stages. Unfortunately in some cases, the short term financial gain for overseas patients may in the long term cost them more than they had bargained for.

.: Dieting Can Make You Fatter - Do You Believe This?

You must be aware that most of the people who go on a diet for losing weight do not succeed. In today's modern world overweight and obesity have become the major problems, at least in the developed countries. Taking advantage of people's desperation to lose weight, the diet industry has come out with a large variety of diet programs that promise to make you lose weight without the need for any exercise on your part.
Some of these diets may result in a marginal loss of weight in the beginning but they will turn out to be ineffective in the long run.
The problem with diet programs is that they focus on what you eat and how much you eat but ignore equally important questions like why you eat and what kind of life you live. Yes, if you want to achieve permanent weight loss, you should look at your life as a whole not a small part of your life relating to what foods you eat.
Losing weight using diets is similar to borrowing money to make a living. You will have to eventually repay what you have borrowed with interest, ending up with less money than you had in the beginning! In a similar way, the weight you lose by dieting will come back to you with interest after some time making you fatter than you were in the beginning.
The faster you lose weight, the greater will be the additional weight you will gain. This happens by your body's craving for food after you lose some calories and making you consume more food. Additionally, you may lose some precious muscle tissue which will lower your metabolism (the rate your body burns fuel) so is counterproductive. Acting against the natural impulses of the body can never get you the results you want.
The only effective way to lose weight on a long term basis and achieve permanent weight loss is to change your default state. The default state concerns not just the food you take but many other things. In fact, your default state governs not only your body but your mind as well. You should start with reprogramming your mind to change your lifestyle so that you can change your habits that will include your food habits too.
If you care to learn how you have become overweight, you will discover that this has happened due to your habits. Your bad habits have caused you the problem of getting and staying overweight. These habits act on you without your being aware of them. You develop these bad habits unconsciously by doing things as dictated by your mind's programming. These habits, in addition to making you become overweight, can also affect your health in other ways.
Thus, the only effective way to lose weight is to counter your bad habits by learning new habits. This should be done by reprogramming your mind so that your mind will work in unison with your conscious desire to lose weight and help you take healthy actions that will lead to permanent weight loss
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

.: Effortless Weight Loss Is Within Your Reach

If you have tried any weight loss method, you would know how difficult it is to lose weight. Using some diet plans, you might have achieved some short term success by losing a few pounds only to find to your dismay that you have added more than what you have lost, immediately afterwards. Given this scenario, the idea of effortless weight may appear to be an impossible dream. But I will explain how feasible and how realistic this concept can be.
First of all, you will be relieved to know that effortless weight loss does not require you to try a new diet or exercise program. When you try a new program, you just tell yourself that you are going to do it. Saying 'I am going to follow this diet plan' does not make the task easy or effortless. You have to put in efforts to do what you want to do. But this does not usually work for many people because when you want a change in your diet program or your daily activities, the change doesn't happen just by your wishing it to happen.
These plans work only at the surface level. Your body will initially respond to your words and start following the new program but since your inner programming has not been changed, such changes will last only for a short time. Your inner programming will then take over and ensure that your efforts are aborted and you go back to your normal ways of eating and doing other activities.
Therefore if you want to lose weight, you first have to bring about some fundamental change in your inner self. Your inner self might have been programmed to promote activities that will contribute to your gaining weight. This might have happened due to some of your past actions. Any decision you take against the accepted program of your inner self is bound to be thwarted. You will blame your lack of discipline or external factors for your failure but the source for the problem lies within you.
Effortless weight loss is a strategy that will help you lose weight without any struggle. There will be no inner conflict and what you want will be accomplished by your doing the right things easily, naturally and almost effortlessly. This method works by first identifying the blocks you have in you, that stand in your way then these are replaced with more focused and more positive thoughts and self- beliefs.
When we get our mind working with us to make important life changes (like losing weight) instead of against us it is much more powerful than methods that try and force motivation. Motivation will be effective only when it comes from within, not when it is imposed from outside.
Taking steps to align your inner mind programming with what you want to achieve is the easiest way to lose weight and more importantly keep it off. Once this is done, there will be no conflict between your subconscious programming and conscious objectives. You will be able to do the things required to lose weight and get a strong, fit and healthy body free of excess fat.
Imagine how good this will be and how you can really start living your life free from struggle and frustration that an overweight, unhappy and unhealthy body brings. Change your mind first and changing your body will be automatic and easy.
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

.: Healthy Weight Loss and Character Type

There are so many different character types it is difficult to always have the right answer for every person's problem. Analysts have lengthy explanations, lists of possible disorders, and all sorts of theories as to why every individual develops into the person he or she becomes. These mental designations explain to the educated mind why a person is good, bad, overweight, skinny, or has any number of other flaws or strengths.
In the healthy weight loss arena, a person's character has much to do with how successful they are with any program they attempt. Whether you ascribe to a therapist's or weight loss coach's evaluation of you or not, if you aren't losing weight, there is a reason why. You may not be able to change some parts of your character, but you must be able to compensate for anything that gets in the way of your goal.
Lack of Confidence
How confident are you with your abilities? Don't think about weight loss, just your personal level of confidence about anything you do. If you have such little faith in yourself that you seldom accomplish anything constructive, you must move beyond that obstacle before you can experience healthy weight loss.
Most people who struggle for years with their weight have some confidence issues, and many people are able to grow beyond this weak point. If your confidence is lacking, don't let it be the dominating part of your character. You can overcome this, the same as other overweight people have done.
If you are overweight and not depressed about it, that is unusual. There is speculation about whether depression causes a person to become overweight or vice versa. It is certain that they work hand in hand for many who are overweight, but depression is something that can be controlled with the proper motivation which in turn affects the ability to successfully lose weight.
Turn Character Flaws Into Healthy Weight Loss
First, understand that depression and lack of confidence come from the same place; failure. If you fail at something, it does not mean you are a failure. It is perfectly normal to be depressed if you don't achieve your goals in a healthy weight loss program, but it should only be temporary.
If you don't have confidence in your ability to lose weight, it might be because you haven't prepared yourself properly to do it. Most confident people get that way by working at something until they are a success at it. They don't start out successful; they earn it and most often that is by way of failing first.
Your attitude should be that achieving the weight you want is a LIFETIME accomplishment, not a quick fix. You can build confidence and dispel depression when you accomplish healthy weight loss. This is why motivation is such an important part of your routine when you begin to lose weight and become healthier.
None of us are always sure of ourselves, and we all have depressed periods in our lives. With the proper motivation and the right attitude, these are merely stumbling blocks in our path that can be overcome.
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

.: Need to Lose Weight Fast? Short or Long Term Plan

One thing that most people want is to lose weight fast, and there is nothing wrong with that if you can do so in a safe manner. Theoretically, it is possible to lose as much as 20 pounds in a week with the right diet and exercise. Most people can't devote themselves entirely to their weight loss program and workouts of 7 hours each day, which is necessary for that kind of plan.
A big change in diet and exercise can be very taxing on the system, and any program designed to lose weight fast should be closely monitored by a physician. A more realistic weight loss goal of 3 to 5 pounds per week will still require a large amount of weight training and a sensible diet, but it is much more manageable for the person who has a career and full personal life.
As I always stress, motivation is the support system you need to lose weight fast, and if there is some special event in your life that warrants trimming down, it can be a temporary motivator. A wedding or class reunion might be the trigger that starts your weight loss attempt, but there are two important factors to consider when you begin your weight loss journey.
Time to Accomplish the Task
If the event you want to look good for is months away, that gives you time to trim off some fat and weight in a healthy manner. If your timeframe is only a week or two before an event, you can't expect to have a drastic reduction. To attempt to do so will only result in loss of confidence and depression.
Adopt Other Forms of Motivation
If you want to lose weight fast for a one time event, you are going to fall right back into your old habits after the event is over. You should want to look good for certain occasions in your life, but that is not going to keep you motivated to stay at the perfect size and weight you want to reach and maintain.
If the only reason you want to look good is to impress a few people for one single event, that's not the best motivational view of weight control. A much broader goal would be one where you want to look good every day, not just for one event. Your weight loss goal should be realistic and attainable, but significant enough to be rewarding when you accomplish it.
The choice is yours. Either you develop a lifestyle so you will be healthier, feel better, and look trim and fit on a regular basis, or you can go the fad diet route and drop a few pounds or inches, just to gain them right back again.
Keep in mind, also, that living a healthy lifestyle with a regular program of exercise and proper diet offers many rewards; you'll feel better, live longer, and look your best; isn't that worth it?
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

.: Tips on Weight Loss With Yoga

Yoga is a popular workout option recommended for those who are looking into burning excess fats from the body. However, it should be noted that Yoga involves a variety of exercises that you can engage in case you intend to lose weight through it. By engaging in yoga, you are able to shed off the extra fat effectively, hence making you feel confident and comfortable with yourself. By reading through this article, you are able to get tips on losing weight with yoga that can help you shed off the extra pounds in a more efficient way.
There are certain yoga workouts whose main is the stimulation of the lethargic thyroid gland. This enhances the increase in the secretion of hormones. As a result of this, yoga acts upon your body's metabolism by increasing its level. When the body's metabolism rate is high, there are chances that you are able to effectively burn the extra fats faster hence losing weight quickly.
In case you are just beginning to take part in yoga for weight loss and you have got lots of weight or your body is just out of shape, it is advisable that you always begin the process from a beginner-level. This is important because it will help you in minimizing the risk of injuries. However, always ensure that you get an experienced yoga teacher who is able to listen and understand your body before putting you into the program.
When taking part in yoga for weight loss, it is advisable that you begin by concentrating on breathing exercises. Research indicates that deep breathing exercises increase the supply of oxygen to the cells of your body hence assisting in burning excess body fats and calories. Besides, such exercises will also ensure that you are able to tone your muscles as well as increase the level of their endurance.
The other things that you should take note of when engaging in yoga for weight loss is that more vigorous styles of yoga like Ashtanga, Power Yoga and Hot Yoga are among those that can offer you the best workout. For effective weight loss, you need to combine yoga with other forms of aerobic exercises like walking or running. With these, you will be able to produce lots of sweat which is one sign of weight loss.
On those days that you cannot make it to the yoga classes, it is advisable that you keep exercising at home regularly. For you to practice effectively, you can obtain audio or video recordings from your teacher or even online. Such materials contain ideas on yoga that can be used by beginners as well as those who are already in the program.
Even if you are engaging in yoga every day, you also have to bear in mind that the workouts alone cannot help you in effectively losing weight. Weight loss with yoga should be combined with proper dieting to ensure that you are able to lose weight in a more efficient way and stay healthy.
Want to learn how to shed those impossible "pounds" fast and permanently?
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.: Tips And Tricks For Successful Weight Loss

Losing weight is not about taking a magic pill, it is more about learning how to live a healthier lifestyle. Nonetheless, it is not always an easy process. When you want to lose weight, you must change some things about the way you live your life. The following article contains some helpful tips and tricks that you can use when you want to take off your extra weight and never see it return.
With weight loss, you must eat a healthy diet; there is just no way to get around that. To make this work for you, you should learn how to make your own healthy foods. Cooking healthy is not that hard, but it may take you some practice. Grilling or baking your meats are much healthier than frying them, just make sure they are lean cuts. You can also bake or steam vegetables for a healthy alternative. The healthier cooking options are not always as tasty as frying and using heavy sauces, but you can find spices that you enjoy and add those to your healthy foods instead.
Avoid eating anything that is pre-cooked or pre-packaged. Most, if not all, of these items have a lot of extra calories and preservatives in them that are not healthy for your body. This is another reason that learning to cook for yourself is a much better alternative.
Another tip is to avoid sugar. Sugar is a substance that is in many of the items that we consume. It is not particularly good for our bodies, and your body will do fine without it. It has a lot of empty calories and actually causes you to crave more sugar. Once you eat one cookie full of sugar, it is a vicious cycle of craving more and more sugar.
You should also stay hydrated. This is quite helpful in your weight loss efforts. When you are hydrated, not only do you feel better and more energized, but it helps with your appetite, too. Sometimes your body is thirsty, but it may appear as though you are hungry. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water each day.
Exercise is something else that is crucial to weight loss. If you do not exercise regularly, you may want to invest in a gym membership or pay for an exercise class. When you have to pay money for something, you will be more likely to actually work out. You can find motivation in the fact that you have spent your hard earned money, and you need to make sure you are getting the most out of it.
It might be helpful for you to find a weight loss buddy or group. When you socialize with like minded people, it can really help your efforts. You will have someone to hold you accountable, someone to motivate you and someone to lean on and get advice from.
Everyone can lose weight, but they have to find what works best for them. Try the tips listed in this article and you will find that weight loss is possible.

.: 3 Facts About Sleep and Losing Weight

As I have said many times, strength training and a healthy diet is the secret combination for losing weight and keeping it off. That doesn't take anything away from using every scientific fact to aid in your quest. Even simple things can contribute to how much weight you lose and how fast you lose it.
Staying away from things that cause you to gain weight is just as beneficial as finding methods for losing weight and keeping it off. For instance, evidence shows that lack of sleep contributes to weight gain. It is not evident exactly why this is true, but a study indicated that women who only sleep 5 hours per night gain weight more dramatically than women who get 7 hours of sleep.
Three theories exist as possible causes for this:
1. Secretion of Cortisol
Although it has not been proven, sleep deprivation is thought to affect the amount of Cortisol secreted by the body. This hormone is one that regulates the human appetite. Losing sleep may make a person feel hungry when they are not because of the reaction in the metabolism.
2. More Sedentary
People who don't have enough sleep often move less during their waking hours. This means fewer calories burned and fewer pounds lost.
3. The Affect on Emotions
It is no secret that people who don't sleep do not think clearly. Emotions are affected by lack of sleep and sudden bouts of depression, anger, or frustration can follow. Insomnia breeds confusion and crankiness, which aren't the best mental conditions for losing weight and keeping it off.
Weight loss and maintenance only work when the mind and the body perform in unity with one another. If you get 8 hours sleep each night, your diet program will go smoother and you will be better able to focus on more of the important aspects of your life.
Losing weight and keeping it off begins with motivation to achieve a goal, and sleep is an important ingredient in how well you will be motivated. If you currently aren't sleeping as much as you should, develop rituals you perform before bedtime so that your system slows down. A hot bath, reading, writing notes, and other practices to unwind will make your body more ready for sleep. Avoid doing anything that might keep your mind alert.
Even if you need to sleep, don't take the short route and use medications. They will eventually make your problems worse. Reduce your stress and you will sleep better and be prepared to lose those excess pounds.
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

.: How To Have A Youthful Looking Body At Any Age

Ahh... It seems almost inevitable that no matter how bad we don't want it; the aging process will take a toll on our body.
Then one fine day we wake up to find that we are seeing a few more wrinkles, sags and bags than we would like. At this point most women (and men too) assume there is nothing that can be done and all they can do is just hide those signs of aging behind clothes.
Well now... I have GREAT news for you!
You CAN wear all those clothes that you used to when you were young no matter your age. Yes... shorts, spaghetti strap tank tops and even swimsuits. All you have to do is re-sculpt your body to totally erase those signs of aging.
What do I mean by re-sculpting"?
I mean you need to use strength or resistance training to tone and life specific muscle groups. If you pick the right exercises, do with then with a bit of effort put into it and pair your exercise program with a supportive, clean (unprocessed) eating plan, then you too can have a young-looking body.
Lift the muscles under sagging body parts
You can fight gravity so it does not win its battle on your body. You can lift sagging body parts (like your butt, backs of your arms or even your breasts) simply by toning and lifting the muscles beneath those parts.
For example, strengthening exercises like squats and deadlifts help restore and rebuild the muscles in your thighs and butt. Meanwhile, exercises like bench presses and other pressing type exercises help build the pectoral muscles on your chest, which can help lift your breasts.
Don't think for a moment that these exercises will make you look "bulky" or make you look like a man. They won't. In fact, just the opposite occurs - when you tone your muscle, tissue you are actually able to sculpt and shape your body. And that means you can create the curves that turn both men's and women's heads. Sagging, flabby and weak muscles from not doing enough muscle building and maintain activity add years to the way you look and feel.
Focus on balance and symmetry
Although you may have trouble spots on your body where you may want to give a little extra attention, however, keep in mind that you need to work ALL the muscles in your body at least twice per week.
Doing so will ensure you have a balanced muscular system, that the muscles on the back of the body match those on the front. They all work together and if this balance is not achieved injury will be the end result so you need to incorporate all muscles in your workout routines.
Shed the fat
While you can selectively build muscle in certain parts of your body, you CANNOT selectively shed the excess fat. Your genetics decide where the fat is going to come off as you lose weight. However, you can support this process by pairing your 'clean' eating plan with your strength training program you will make progress in the fastest possible manner.
Bottom line...
As your body starts shedding the fat; you will start seeing your newly toned, firmed and lifted muscles beneath the fat. And instead of a jiggling, flabby, shapeless body, you will have a healthy, shapely, feel-good body to live in.
So, take that, Mother Nature!
The idea that your subconscious mind may be actively blocking your conscious efforts to lose weight can be hard to swallow at first. So in addition to revealing my top 4 secrets to effective weight loss, I have included in my free report "Visualization Secrets For Weight Loss Success" a section on how mastering your subconscious mind through visualization can make all the difference to your level of weight loss success.
You can download that report here: http://weightlossmotivationbible.com/freereport

.: 4 Strategies To Supersize Your Self-Control

When temptation strikes and threatens to throw you off your healthy eating plan or exercise program, be ready to think yourself thin. Follow these new strategies to rev up your willpower and stay strong.
"No cocktails for me. I have to go to the gym after brunch."
"Dessert? I'm too full from dinner."
"Sorry, can't make happy hour; I'm off to the gym."
We all know a friend who seems immune to the temptations of cocktails, cupcakes, and canapés. We all would love to know her secret. And... the secret is... drum roll!)... she has found a new muscle to flex: her willpower. That's right. Researchers have found that you can chisel your self-control and will power just as you can make every other muscle in your body stronger.
With use and practice your self-control muscle becomes less weak and flabby, so you have the strength you need to stick with a healthy eating plan or exercise program. Once you get to work on strengthening your self-control you will soon be the one trading happy hour for a session at the gym.

.: Weight Loss Motivation - Channeling Thinking for a Thinner You

Sitting and thinking about how great your life will be once you lose weight is the wrong outlook. You need to be feeling better about yourself while you are losing weight, or you probably never will get where you want to go. Your attitude is a powerful part of weight loss motivation, because if you don't believe you can get rid of those extra pounds and, more importantly, keep them off, you have very little chance for success.
Changing your lifestyle is a necessary part of the equation for weight loss because if you were eating what you should and exercising regularly, you wouldn't have any need for weight loss motivation. Once you come to the obvious reason for your weight gain, you must then wrestle with any self-doubt you might have in your ability to modify your ways and drop the pounds.
If doubt creeps into your mind, it can negate what you are capable of doing as far as losing weight and maintaining good health. Whether you accept it or not, your subconscious beliefs are what stimulate weight loss motivation or leave you overweight.

Sleep and Weight Loss

Are you getting enough sleep?  Did you know that sleep and weight loss are linked?
Several studies have linked sleep and weight loss. If you sleep less than six hours a night, you increase your chances of being overweight or obese. The consequences of being obese are significant.  Obesity is strongly related to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers.
Which comes first? Does the lack of sleep lead to obesity or does obesity lead to a lack of sleep? It turns out they feed off of each other.
  • A lack of sleep increases your time awake and therefore increases your chances of eating. Unless you sleep walk, you can't eat while you are sleeping. The midnight snack was invented by people who were awake at midnight. 

.: How Different Body Types Need Different Weight Loss Methods!

Have you ever wondered why there are still so many overweight people in the world? There are many reasons for that, and one of the most common reasons is that most people simply do not have sufficient motivation to lose weight! Weight loss seldom comes steadily, but comes in spurts, and most people give up trying to lose weight if they do not see results within a short period of time. The second most common reason people fail to lose weight is because they are not making use of the right weight loss technique for their body-type! People with different body-types need to make use of different methods to lose weight, and this is exactly what I am going to be discussing in this article.
The first body-type is the ectomorph, which is characterized by long limbs, narrow shoulders and a relatively flat chest. The second one is known as the mesomorph, which is characterized by a strong set of shoulders and naturally muscular for men and an hourglass shape for women. The last body-type is the endomorph, which is identified by naturally high body-fat percentage.
Firstly, people with ectomorph body-types have naturally higher metabolisms, which mean that they burn calories quicker than the other two body-types. An ectomorph can afford to consume more carbohydrates and still get away with it due to their high metabolisms. However, if an ectomorph does not perform any form of exercises, be it body weight circuit exercises or weight lifting, he or she can still be skinny all over but fat in the stomach area! Thus the main thing that an ectomorph should do is to start a weight lifting regime, so as to build up muscle mass.
Next, mesomorphs should find both gaining muscle and losing fats easy. The most important thing a mesomorph should do when on a weight loss journey is to take a balanced approach to both exercises as well as his or her diet. If you are a mesomorph, you should perform both weight lifting as well as interval cardiovascular exercises to lose weight effectively. Also, your diet should have a balanced proportion between carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Finally, we come to the endomorph. People with this body type should find it hardest to lose body fats. If you fall into this category, do not blame your genetics, as blaming it will not help you lose weight. Instead, concentrate on the steps which are needed to help you lose weight if you have such a body-type. You will definitely have to take minimal to no junk foods at all, and you should also ideally perform higher intensity interval cardiovascular exercises than people with other body-types.
Do check out Alvin's blog for more tips on how to lose weight!
He also has many diet plans to lose weight for you, so make sure to check it out!

.: Finding A Quick Weight Loss Method

If you have been combing the internet for a quick weight loss method, but have not been able to find anything that catches your eye. Then perhaps you will find something in this article that will help you find what you are looking for you.
Some people seem to be impatient when it comes to weight loss and if that person really wants to lose weight fast, he or she will attempt to do so no matter what the potential consequences are. One of the biggest mistakes people make when using a quick weight loss method they find, is change their bad eating habits to an unhealthy eating habit of full or partial self-starvation. This is definitely not a safe or healthy method and unbeknownst to them, the human body has several built-in defense mechanisms designed to protect its vital organs when it senses that it's losing weight too quickly. Excess weight on a person can affect more than just his or her physical appearance. It can also affect their quality of life, self-esteem, cause depression, heart disease, diabetes, as well as many other health risks. Simple daily tasks and everyday activities can also start to become difficult to perform. Because of these reasons, many people search out and implement a quick weight loss method much too fast. All because they feel bad about themselves and want to make instant changes.
If you take the time to seek out a good healthy quick weight loss method, you will be able to lose the weight properly and safely. As a result, you begin to see positive changes to your overall attitude and health, such as, physical appearance, low blood pressure, improved self-esteem and quality of life.
When it comes to quick weight loss, there are a several different ways of losing weight. There is dieting, exercising, dietary supplements and surgery. Most people have a hard time finding one that actually works. Truth is, a quick weight loss method should include the first three ways from above; a proper healthy diet, some form of exercise and dietary supplements.
The best way to lose weight is to improve your eating habits. There is a much better chance of losing weight and remaining healthy if you develop healthy eating habits. Eating healthy food is one of the best solutions to quick weight loss. Also with a good quick weight loss method you should increase meal frequency. You might be use to eating 2-3 big meals a day; but it is much better to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day as well as drinking 8-10 glass of water daily. Drinking cold water gives your metabolism a boost because your body will try to warm the water, thus burning calories.
Another part of a good quick weight loss method is exercise. Begin a focused, efficient, and intense exercise routine. It will probably be easier for you to recruit the help of a personal trainer, either at the gym or through the use of a pre-made, trainer-designed quick weight loss method program. If you cannot afford a gym membership you can always work out at home. Just remember any exercise is better than nothing. No matter what, try to do some form of moderate-to-intense cardio exercise at least 2-3 times per week and perform strength training with light-to-medium weights at least 2-3 times per week. If you're a beginner start your exercise routine slow and work your way up, alternating your days between cardio and weight training.
Overall just remember you should be looking to change your bad eating habits to healthy ones, exercise, drink 8-10 glasses of water, take at least a multivitamin and get plenty of rest. Also keep a positive attitude, if you fall of the wagon one day and go out and eat a pizza and have a couple of beers, don't punish yourself or think you failed. Get right back on the wagon the next day. You are going to have days when something happens, don't worry, get right back on track the next day. Remember you won't fail if you don't quit!!
I hope this article will give you some pointers on what to look for in a good quick weight lose method.
Good luck and God bless!!!
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